Really, everyone is playing World of Warcraft, and I refuse to pay fifteen a month to play a PC game I'll touch maybe one day a month. So, anyone down for online on Live? I'd rather play with people I know...or well, somewhat know than some random stranger who's going to take things too seriously. I really want to try Army of Two and R6V II co-op. Any takers?
War_Martyr Blog
The Hulk
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And The Sky Roared
by War_Martyr on Comments
C'mon, Am I That Pathetic?
by War_Martyr on Comments
Alright, so I got this msn space that no one visits, but I do some deep thinking there. Then all of a sudden this very beautiful woman comments on my know, those "I think you're cute, let's be friends...oh yeah, here's my url for my webcam page, please present your credit card" kind of comments. lol. So I check out this site, and well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that her friends list consists of a bunch of 40 year old dudes, whom coincidentally, only have her as a the question is, do people see me as that pathetic as to send me this kind of crap? For god's sake, you know the site's bullsh*t when all she's got is a picture of her in a bikini, and a two word blog fom a year ago. Heh, at least try to make an effort to make me feel wanted.
Anyway, my girl bought me a camera a few days ago, one of those bulky, photojournalist types. It's pretty awesome. And since I'm going to Vegas in a couple months, it's the pefect place to take hilarious pics of druggies, pissed off dudes who bet their life insurance away, etc. And I finally beat that pain in the ass mission in GTA, Tunnel of's embarassing, but it truly was a tough level for me. Hell, throughout work, I was actually brainstorming the perfect strategy how to finish it. Well, that's how my days were so far. So how you guys doing, by the way? I'm out, I'll see you guys on Tuesday.
Iron Man, Finaly.
by War_Martyr on Comments
I finally saw Iron Man today, and it was an awesome movie. Although, my girl had to go to work during the last half hour of the movie, so I missed the epic last for those of you who saw the movie... spoilers, please? I gots to know. Also, I finally bought a printer, something that has been missing in my life for the past three years. I've been preparing to go back to college, since I figured a two year break is pretty long enough, and I'm pretty confident my mind won't snap and I go insane from so much pressure. Believe me, college life is hell. Well, I'm out. I start work tomorrow, and I'm still trying to keep up my intervention. So I'll see you guys on Sunday. Take care, yo.
An Offer You Can't Refuse
by War_Martyr on Comments
I was at the local GameStop the other day buying a couple games. Nothing major, just some old Xbox two dollar games to take a break from GTA, as well as say hello to my boys there. Heh, I go there so much, I kid you not when I say there's three GameStops where I live that everyone knows me. Anyway, since this guy knows me so well, he offered me a summer job because he'd rather hire me than some random individual that no one knows. And as much as I'd like to have jumped into his loving, meaty arms in a second, the problem is that I already have a job, and I doubt they'd hire me for two days a week. It breaks my heart to know that I have this generous offer, and yet I have to turn it down...what can I say, the place I work at owns my soul. Well, that and I love...this...job. Hoorah.
by War_Martyr on Comments
by War_Martyr on Comments
Damn Stalkers...
by War_Martyr on Comments
I'm confident all you X360 owners out there had this happen at least once or twice: some random gamertag sends you a friend request, you press the accept button, and you've just unknowingly sold your soul to Satan. I'm talking about those really creepy individuals that make that dedicated effort to know your whole personal life while telling you how awesome you are that you're his friend, you'll be friends forever, demanding you talk to him while you're playing a game that requires uninterrupted thought, hell...I think I've just added Hannibal Lecter on my friend's list. Let me tell you, it's really hard to enjoy your favorite video game when you got some creepy loser telling you to "send him a message back, please" every twenty seconds...and try as I might, I couldn't get this guy off my back for the past four months....and we all know what happens when we erase people like this off our list...we get another invite, as well as an angry letter that might as well say," Oh, you know you're going to find a dead body on your front lawn tomorrow." And I know where I get these creeps from: GameSpot. I'm not going to single any of you guys out, because I know you're all cool. Well, that and I don't have any of you on my XBL list. Heh. I guess I should stop posting on forums...
Another Day, Another Vendetta
by War_Martyr on Comments
For all you guys that work hard for a living, this one's for you: any jobsite anyone works at, there's always that one retard that's been there for months, years, decades, centuries, and still can't do his job right. In fact, he's so bad that even the rookies surpass his skill by day two. Now this dude that works at my site, he's no ordinary retard I mean, you literally have to pay someone to be this stupid. It's not humanly possible that this guy can be this big of an idiot and tell me it's the best he can do, or I'll have to put a hit on his whole bloodline so this disgrace to asians won't contaminate the rest of the world.
Now I don't normally lose my cool, but it's been a rough day...a weekend usually means a huge batch of work, not to mention it was just my luck that today was the day we'd run out of supplies for just about every damn thing we had to make. Hell, even the manager was starting to get pissed. And top that with the fact that out of all the useless people in the company, perhaps even the world, this is the guy who's in charge of washing the dishes. I'll tell you, this guy is slow, stupid, fat, ugly, deaf, blind, lazy, sounds like a drunken Mickey Mouse, and moves with the grace of a blind full bodied amputee who's trying to find his way home across the freeway...which I'll gladly take over this guy, mind you.
So when I'm trying to finish up everything in the day's work to get out, as late as it is, to at least have some time to spend with my girl, Fate and Karma have a little poker game going on, and look down below the Earth and say, "See that guy over there? He looks like he enjoys life, no matter what ironic, traumatic stress he overcomes, he still bears a smile...not only are we going to give him the person he hates more than Hitler we're going to make this guy in charge of his dishes." Honestly, though, I forgive first, second, third, fourth offenses, but when you become worse than when you first started, I tend to develop a divine hatred towards that individual.
Anyway, most of the time I usually pretend this dopey stooge died years ago so at least I can pretend to work with competent dishwashers. And of course, as he's been doing since the first day he started as a dishwaher, continues to half-ass his work. I don't know about anyone else, but I really don't like using bakery tools that had two hour old food still stuck to it. Basically, every damn thing I picked up I could tell what I used it for, which is rather pathetic. Add this with the countless times this doofus has washed our dishes, and you can imagine the rage that grows a little in my soul.
Recently, whatever he's washed I'd send straight back to him. Clean or not, I make that bastard wash it twice. But I guess today was a golden moment. I'm grabbing whatever I need, take a look at what I'm holding, and just yell out, "You...f*cking...prick!" The manager takes a look at it, goes to the dishwasher and tells him, "What the f*ck is this? Stop washing the dishes like sh*t!" Heh...needless to say, I was satisfied. I mean, now the guy's slamming our dishes all over the place, and he now knows he's just about pissed all of us off, and I still doubt he'll stop failing at life, but it's about time someone besides me is becoming fed up with wiping his ass all the time. Still, as bad as he is at washing dishes, just try to imagine how he does as bus boy in the funny as it is to hear the insults from the other guys, there's no doubt...this boy needs to be fired.
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