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#1 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

@tormentos said:

@blackace said:

Not a lem. The info is actually coming from developers, not MisterXMedia.

What is wrong with Cows. They seem to panic everytime something positive is posted about the XB1. lmao!!

Should I believe developers working on the XB1 or idiots like Tormentos who haven't a clue?

Really so what developer is that.? Where is the link.?

Panic the only morons in panic are lemming,is sad you can't just let it go the xbox one is weaker,i wonder if you will change your argument again o all it matter is games when all the crap you are saying fail to materialize.

@silversix_ said:

How can anyone even still dream about X1 being more powerful than what we think? I mean just look at CoD, this is like the direct answer to your dreams... a last gen title can't run at 720p. What will happen when there's real next gen engine? Games will run at 640p on X1. Its just sad how worthless the system is.

Oh there are some mysterious driver that will unlock the xbox one DGPU and turn the CPU into a 4.0ghz i7...

Yeah, it's amazing to me that so many people still won't accept it. In addition to the specs there's games out now that show the difference. Battlefield 4 is 1080p on PS4, 900p on X1. COD:Ghosts is 1080p on PS4, 720p on X1. None of it is at all surprising to anyone that bothered to look at the specs. Wishing something isn't true doesn't stop it from being true.

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#2  Edited By Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

Because both of these consoles are using x64 AMD APUs this generation's specs are probably the easiest to understand. It couldn't be any more simple: The primary difference between them spec-wise is the amount of CUs (And both use the same type of CUs) in the GPUs and PS4 has 6 more of them than X1 does. All ya gotta do is look at AMD 7000 series GPUs for PC to know how significant the amount of them is. More CUs = more processing power. The second biggest difference between them is the memory type. Sony wins on that front as well.

Some have mentioned that games on PS4 don't look 50% better than games on X1 and then ask "So how can it be 50% more powerful?" The reason is because with modern GPUs extra power tends to go towards added framerate and/or resolution rather than extra art. 1080p may not look 50% better than 720p to you and/or 60 fps may not look 50% better than 30 fps to you but technically it is. Heck, actually the difference with those two examples is 100% but you'll find plenty of people claiming to not see even 50% difference between them ... maybe no difference at all depending on the observer. But regardless of what a given person claims to be able to see it doesn't change the fact that on a technical level a piece of hardware running a given game at 1080p is doing twice as much as another piece of hardware running the same game at 720p.

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#3 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

@Jacobistheman said:
@Wickerman777 said:

Xbox One has 12 GPU compute units, PS4 has 18, a 50% difference. There's no getting around that. It's a bigger gap than there is between X360 and PS3. I expected both consoles to have 2.5 tflops of graphics performance so even PS4 is disappointing to me. But it blows my mind how weak the GPU in Xbox One is considering what's possible today. Had someone told me ahead of time that the new Xbox would be only 1.3 tflops I would have laughed and called them nuts. And despite being so much weaker it costs them more to make it than PS4 does Sony. It's a bigtime design failure if ever there was one. Because of it I'll be picking Sony for the first time since PS1. MS has left me with little choice.

The flops...

The PS3 had had like 2 times the TFLOPs as the Xbox 360 and the PS2 had 4.2 times that of the original Xbox. The PS3 and 360 looked almost identical and the Original Xbox was clearly the more powerful console graphics wise.

Umm, wildly different architectures. Cell has a bunch of theoretical flops but it rarely shows up in real-world performance. But PS4 and X1 use the same AMD architecture so the numbers are directly comparable. Basically you've got a AMD 7790 in X1 and a 7970 in PS4 (With 2 cores disabled in each for yields).

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#4 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

Xbox One has 12 GPU compute units, PS4 has 18, a 50% difference. There's no getting around that. It's a bigger gap than there is between X360 and PS3. I expected both consoles to have 2.5 tflops of graphics performance so even PS4 is disappointing to me. But it blows my mind how weak the GPU in Xbox One is considering what's possible today. Had someone told me ahead of time that the new Xbox would be only 1.3 tflops I would have laughed and called them nuts. And despite being so much weaker it costs them more to make it than PS4 does Sony. It's a bigtime design failure if ever there was one. Because of it I'll be picking Sony for the first time since PS1. MS has left me with little choice.

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#5  Edited By Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

I think that Xbox One is gonna kind of seem like the better console right now because there isn't jack for games to play on either one of them. So really the only thing to do is oggle at the UI and features and right now Xbox One has more of them. But I feel confident PS4 is gonna end up outselling Xbox One 2 to 1 once lots of games are available and it becomes very clear to everyone what the power difference is between them.

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#6 Wickerman777
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Microtransactions by farrrrrr. It's not just the extra money they're asking for but games are being designed differently because of it. The Magic: The Gathering XBLA games are a ridiculous grind because of it. They cost $10 bucks each for the core games but everything is locked and ya gotta grind forever to unlock what you already payed for or pay extra, a lot extra.

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#7 Wickerman777
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@Rage010101 said:

@Wickerman777 said:

Meh, I hate how PC fanboys always just say PC like they are all equal. They're not. Should change the thread title to Witcher 3 will be better on some PCs.

That's not how it works kiddo. When determining pc version, the game at maxxed settings is what is taken into account. You're just trying to downplay the pc version being the definitive version.

It won't run better on my PC, that's for sure. And it won't on well over 90% of other PCs either.

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#8 Wickerman777
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I don't think any console is worth buying this year, except maybe X360 and PS3. I'll likely wait around a year to make the next-gen plunge. By then many of the bugs might be ironed out and hopefully there will be something worth playing.

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#9  Edited By Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

Meh, I hate how PC fanboys always just say PC like they are all equal. They're not. Should change the thread title to Witcher 3 will be better on some PCs.

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#10  Edited By Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

@halosball said:

The article trys to paint the PS4 and xbone as equal in power. Dishonest much. That shows a clear agenda.

Thank you for exposing PCMAG. Now we know PCMAG is on Microsoft's pay roll. We can safely disregard what ever PCMAG has to say from now on.

1. The fact is the PS4 IS SIGNIFICANTLY more powerful then the xbone.

All you have to do is look at the specs. The numbers dont lie. It is UNDENIABLE. The PS4 has a 50% more powerful GPU, has much faster GDDR5 RAM memory, has hUMA capability, and over all has a much better- more unified memory/GPU set up for graphics processing and rendering etc

All things considered, the PS4 is MUCH MUCH MUCH more powerful then the xbone and will be able to do a lot more now and in the future.

Just listen to how the developers have been stating that the PS4 is more then 50% powerful then the xbone etc

2. So not only is there the undisputable FACT that the PS4 is upwards of 50%-70% more powerful (based on specs and developers words)

It is an undisputable FACT that the PS4 is 100$ cheaper to boot.

For those huge reasons alone the PS4>>>>>>>>xbone

Bottom line, PS4 gives you more for less. Nothing can spin that


3.This is about GAMING...so the xbone's multi-media features can suck it.....even if the price and power were "equal," the PS4 would still win by actually being a PRIMARY GAMING console....

Hell, the xbone DOES NOT do any of its multi-media features better then multi-media devices can

So why pay 500$ for a "multi-media" xbone machine that doesnt do any of it better then multi-media devices and has gaming tacked on?

The xbone is a pure waist of money....Not to mention it is a Kinect NSA spybox......not to mention just weeks ago the plans were in place by Microsoft for DRM/always online....they can always be implemented again just like how they were quelled up for now etc.

You have to be a blind xbot loyalist and total sheep to want an xbone after all the facts we know.

And hey PCMAG, if you want to talk about innovative features, the PS4 has innovative social features that are SPECIFIC TO GAMING, like PS4 share features /the PS4 share button on the DualShock 4

The xbone cant even stream gameplay yet LMAO. You want to know why? Because it wasnt planned, as soon as they saw PS4's share features, they (Microsoft) wanted to blatantly rip that feature off from Sony, so they started working on patching Sony's SHARE features into the xbone for some time later next year (Microsoft is always copying Sony. Typical pathetic unoriginal Microsoft following in Sony's footsteps)

PS4 share features >>>>> the xbone's TV features and snapshap features

Xbone snapshot features add nothing of substance and are only there for the xbots with ADD disorder to get their ADD on

So the PS4 is focused on being a GAMING console, all its features are truly innovative and are built around gaming and for gaming....and its more powerful and CHEAPER...and it has better exclusive developers and more support etc

Its a no brainer, the PS4 is better then the xbone in every way....and the PS4 while being a GAMING console does everything BETTER for LESS

You arent a gamer if you pick xbone over PS4....if you pick xbone over PS4, you simply dont deserve to have an opinion.Youre a dummy. Youre a sheep.

I think you're nuts if you believe that PS4 is better than Xbox One in EVERY way. PS4 has the better hardware but Xbox One is ahead in just about everything else. They're ahead with online, they have more apps and a better UI, Kinect > PS4 camera, etc. Seriously, does Sony have 300,000 dedicated servers for their online network right now? Sony did a better job with hardware but MS is ahead with other things.

But hey, I'm not dogging PS4. Just pointing out realities. I think part of the reason PS4 is so far behind with the OS and extra features isn't because they don't care about them but because for a long time they thought they were only going to have 512 megs of RAM to work with for their OS. Getting 8 gigs of GDDR5 was a late addition to PS4 and they haven't had enough time to take advantage of all that extra memory yet. Believe me, a ton of non-gaming features will be coming to PS4 eventually. But I don't think they'll ever quite catch up to MS in that regard because it's the sort of thing MS really excels at.

But hardware? Sony absolutely outdid MS there. And it's why I'm leaning in the direction of PS4 for a next-gen console. But even if I do end up picking it I'll never try pretending that Sony does EVERYTHING better than MS does.