The article trys to paint the PS4 and xbone as equal in power. Dishonest much. That shows a clear agenda.
Thank you for exposing PCMAG. Now we know PCMAG is on Microsoft's pay roll. We can safely disregard what ever PCMAG has to say from now on.
1. The fact is the PS4 IS SIGNIFICANTLY more powerful then the xbone.
All you have to do is look at the specs. The numbers dont lie. It is UNDENIABLE. The PS4 has a 50% more powerful GPU, has much faster GDDR5 RAM memory, has hUMA capability, and over all has a much better- more unified memory/GPU set up for graphics processing and rendering etc
All things considered, the PS4 is MUCH MUCH MUCH more powerful then the xbone and will be able to do a lot more now and in the future.
Just listen to how the developers have been stating that the PS4 is more then 50% powerful then the xbone etc
2. So not only is there the undisputable FACT that the PS4 is upwards of 50%-70% more powerful (based on specs and developers words)
It is an undisputable FACT that the PS4 is 100$ cheaper to boot.
For those huge reasons alone the PS4>>>>>>>>xbone
Bottom line, PS4 gives you more for less. Nothing can spin that
3.This is about the xbone's multi-media features can suck it.....even if the price and power were "equal," the PS4 would still win by actually being a PRIMARY GAMING console....
Hell, the xbone DOES NOT do any of its multi-media features better then multi-media devices can
So why pay 500$ for a "multi-media" xbone machine that doesnt do any of it better then multi-media devices and has gaming tacked on?
The xbone is a pure waist of money....Not to mention it is a Kinect NSA spybox......not to mention just weeks ago the plans were in place by Microsoft for DRM/always online....they can always be implemented again just like how they were quelled up for now etc.
You have to be a blind xbot loyalist and total sheep to want an xbone after all the facts we know.
And hey PCMAG, if you want to talk about innovative features, the PS4 has innovative social features that are SPECIFIC TO GAMING, like PS4 share features /the PS4 share button on the DualShock 4
The xbone cant even stream gameplay yet LMAO. You want to know why? Because it wasnt planned, as soon as they saw PS4's share features, they (Microsoft) wanted to blatantly rip that feature off from Sony, so they started working on patching Sony's SHARE features into the xbone for some time later next year (Microsoft is always copying Sony. Typical pathetic unoriginal Microsoft following in Sony's footsteps)
PS4 share features >>>>> the xbone's TV features and snapshap features
Xbone snapshot features add nothing of substance and are only there for the xbots with ADD disorder to get their ADD on
So the PS4 is focused on being a GAMING console, all its features are truly innovative and are built around gaming and for gaming....and its more powerful and CHEAPER...and it has better exclusive developers and more support etc
Its a no brainer, the PS4 is better then the xbone in every way....and the PS4 while being a GAMING console does everything BETTER for LESS
You arent a gamer if you pick xbone over PS4....if you pick xbone over PS4, you simply dont deserve to have an opinion.Youre a dummy. Youre a sheep.
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