Rant incoming:
I'm actually more interested in what TV news comes out of CES than I am anything video game-related. What I'd especially like to see is for Samsung to focus on picture quality again. For the last couple of years their sets have been feature-loaded but pq has been lacking. Really the only Samsung LED for sale right now that has acceptable pq is the extremely expensive F8000.
The problem started when they abandoned both cold cathode and LED backlighting and went with LED edgelighting exclusively. Seriously, my mom's 46D630 with cold cathode lighting that she got for $800 a few years ago looks better than any (With the F8000 being perhaps the one exception) Samsung LED I've seen for a while, even ones that cost hundreds more. Tech is suppose to get better over time, not go backwards. Get it together, Samsung. I wish they'd just stop making edgelit sets altogether. Sure, it makes for a thinner panel but the pq sucks.
It makes buying a new TV tough. Amazon deeply discounted the 46F6300 to $650 at Thanksgiving and I thought long and hard about getting it but decided against it because reviews say the black levels are abysmal, a standard problem with edgelit LED HDTVs. So really my only option is the 46F8000 and that costs nearly $2000! I've been waiting for a great sale on it, like perhaps for $1500 (Been looking for a few months now. Starting to get convinced it'll never see a discount like that) but even that is a ridiculous amount to pay for a 46" TV. Sure wish my mom's model was still for sale cuz if it was I'd get it without hesitation. It's much better than the edgelit crap Samsung is peddling now.
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