I think Titanfall looks like the better game but I'd probably rather play Killzone because it has an offline mode.
Wickerman777's forum posts
It isn't just about resolution. What it really boils down to is that if one system can output a certain game in 1080p and the other can only do it in 720p then imagine what the former console could do in 720p. If PS4 can output COD:Ghosts at double the resolution that Xbox One can then theoretically it should also be able to do twice as much with a 720p game as what Xbox One can.
Some of us aren't. I've owned Xbox and Xbox 360 and haven't had a Sony console since the original Playstation. But that's about to change. Xbox One is just too weak to be acceptable to me. Heck, even PS4's specs bug me. Both should have been 2.5 tflops minimum considering where graphics tech is right now. The next Xbox being only half of that is ridiculous.
I don't doubt it. I run into plenty of people at work that say they prefer their tablet or phone to a PC. I think they're nuts but more and more I'm becoming the minority.
The one I want is Lost Odyssey. Don't care what the reviews say, that game was more like a 95% imo. Maybe not everyone remembers but a lot of those reviews were based off of a beta version that was sent to critics which had longer load times than the final game ended up having. And the load times was one of the primary things the negative reviews complained about. The final build of the game still had some lengthy load times but not nearly as bad as the beta version had. They should have edited their reviews after the final game ended up having shorter load times than what they wrote about but they didn't.
You can go to a Gamestop or some other retailer and buy points with cash, I think.
Meh, I'm lazy. I order stuff online all the time. I avoid having to go to an actual store whenever I can. I know a lot of people complain about MS points cuz they're kinda weird (80 points = $1. Not that hard, folks) but if switching to hard currency means the end of being able to download codes from 3rd parties then that sucks.
Have had 360 since 2006 and in all that time I've never given MS my credit card/debit card info (Don't like the idea of them rebilling me automatically). Instead I've always ordered Live subscriptions and points codes from Amazon. In fact, I ordered a $30 points code from Amazon just the other day. Was just browsing Amazon and suddenly all the points codes say out of stock on them. So does this mean that now we have to give MS our CC/DC info in order to purchase XBLA games and/or DLC or are download codes still available but under a different name?
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