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#1  Edited By Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

@me3x12 said:

I'm going to keep it totally real here. I'm FED UP with MS caving in and doing what all the little whiny fanboys want on the internet. They just keep messing things up worse.

First let me say this i'm totally pissed that MGS GZ is freaking 720p why can't Kojima just make the X1 version run at lower fps like mid 40's and have it at 1080p that would be fine. I'm going to assume that this game was far to along in development and it's set now before MS will have any upcoming performance updates.

Ok back to graphics. Look we had a lot of varied opinions on the scaler chip in the X1. Some like it some hated it. I for one really liked it. You heard people complain about crushed blacks and more jaggies. I for one was ok with it yes it was a trade off but it really made the games pop and have great texture detail so it didn't matter if it was in 1080p or 720p the games had really good looking textures so it looked great regardless.

Now with the recent update things look a little to soft. It's basically on par with the PS4 in regards to having a softer image. I personally do not like it because we clearly have lost some of the great texture detail in games. I know it's a trade off and some will have varying opinions on this. But again I personally would take the way it was before the update games to me looked better with sharper textures and as a whole games looked better.

This shit is getting ridicules with MS. MS should of just stuck to their guns with everything. They should of just released the X1 as an always online system and just kept the scaler the same and just did it like they had planned. But instead whiny little trolls on the interwebs piss and moan and MS has been biting on everything and just screwing this box all up.

Or they could have just designed the console properly. 1.3 tflops and DDR3 in late-2013 are some piss-poor decisions to say the least. And then on top of that they bundled in Kinect, something the vast majority of core-gamers (Y'know, the guys that actually buy games and not just the box) could care less about. MS screwed the pooch in royal fashion and there's no getting out of it now. Policy and software decisions can be changed on the fly but hardware blunders are forever. And I'm saying this as someone that has been a Xbox fanboy for 10+ years! As soon as I saw the specs I knew they were in trouble. At that point I was hoping for a delay and a redesign. They didn't do it and now they're screwed. I've accepted it and will (Gasp!) be buying a Sony console for the first time since the PS1 way back when. Chances are you'll do the same eventually.

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#2  Edited By Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

@PAL360 said:

Poor X1 owners lol

This is odd though! Sure, X1 is not as powerful ans PS4, but it's still like 10 times more powerful than 360 and PS3. It should do 1080p60 easily.

No, it isn't. That's PR bs. Yes, it does have over 10 times as much RAM but to most people, including me, the GPU is where the real meat of the console is and the GPU in X1 is approximately 5X as powerful as the one in X360, not 10X. The GPU in PS4 is approximately 7X as powerful as the one in X360. MS (And even Sony) likes to avoid the numbers and talk about "efficiency" when spinning their way to their 10X as powerful nonsense but the reality is X1 is 5X as powerful as the previous gen, PS4 7X as powerful as the previous gen.

They both should have been 10X as powerful though, especially considering that the previous gen was 8 fargin years long! Epic Games campaigned for next-gen consoles that were truly 10X as powerful, which would have meant 2.5 tflops machines. But both companies flipped Epic the bird and focused on profitability instead. Everybody keeps making out like PS4 is so fantastic but it really isn't. It's underpowered compared to what it should have been. X1, meanwhile, is extremely underpowered, so much so that it makes PS4 seem better than what it is.

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#3  Edited By Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

Guess I'm directly the opposite of most people that play these games. I completed the campaigns of all three COD: Modern Warfare games (Did the first one on veteran difficulty as well) but I've never played a match of COD multiplayer ... ever. Haven't even tried it. Have beaten the campaigns of all the Gears of War games except for Judgement (Intend to get to that one eventually) but have played maybe a dozen matches total of multiplayer (Probably not even that many). When the first Halo was on Xbox I played multiplayer of that A LOT via system link and then later online with some service (I forget what it was) that allowed you do so (It basically tricked the game into thinking the games were local). That's the exception to the rule though cuz I've barely played any of the other Halo games online at all (I think the last one I even tried online was Halo 3) but have played through the campaigns of all of them.

I just don't get into online multiplayer. It isn't fun to me. I think a big part of it is my age. When I was young I probably would have loved it if it had been available the way it is today but as an older guy it's all about the campaign to me.

And something I hate is coop. I don't get why people play like that. It totally ruins the game. Is akin to playing with a God code cuz you can't die unless everyone dies at the same time. If there's no challenge it isn't a game ... you're just pushing buttons. And what really gets my goat is the people who will intentionally ruin the campaign of a game by playing in 4 player coop and then complain about the AI and/or difficulty. Hello!!!!!!! How in the hell was the game suppose to challenge you at all when your character is invulnerable since getting smoked is meaningless unless all 4 of you get killed simultaneously ... which is quite unlikely to happen?

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#4 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

Maybe PS4 but I don't think Xbox One will do that well.

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#5  Edited By Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

@me3x12 said:

@silversix_ said:
@me3x12 said:

@silversix_ said:

@me3x12 said:

@silversix_ said:

You think a 7850=7770? hahaha

I did not say it was = but both GPU's can do the same games their is no speciall bell and whistle on the Sony GPU that can perform a special effect the X1 GPU can't do? In fact X1 has the edge in that with DX 11.2 coming soon and Tiled textures.

nope they can't. if they could CoD wouldn't run at 720p, now there's Titanfall, an even uglier title that the bone can't handle at over 720p... The only reason Ryse looked half decent (not even 1080p and not being full hd while being so linear just shows how weak the bone is) is because its one of the most linear experiences ever released on a console. KZ:SF looks better, runs at higher res, at higher fps and is waaaaaaaaay more open than your 'walk corridors in a straight line while pressing X to auto execute' game.

MS did not let IW use the extra 10% GPU and now MS is opening that up in it's march update. Also hmm so Uncharted a linear game must mean it's a weak system because it's linear yup you said it so when Uncharted 4 comes out on PS4 yup PS4 is weak because look Uncharted is a linear style game. Ok your logic truly makes sense now.

From being 50% less powerful than a ps4, its now 42% less powerful LOL. Also, its not 10% power unlock but 8%, get your shit straight. You just wait till heavy hitters come out like TW3. The difference will be massive.

OH wow you truly believe the 50% power nonsense get real most respected developers have rebutted the claims of 50 and in real terms it's more like 20%

Bs. You don't have 1080p and/or 60 fps on one console and 720p and/or 30 fps on the other with so many different games if the difference is only 20%. I don't know if it's actually 50% but it's certainly over 20%.

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#6  Edited By Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

Lol, the thing about the batteries is not a big deal at all. The other type y'all are clamoring for is still a battery, just a different shape. Oh, GOSSSSSSSHHHHH! And a AA battery can be replaced when it goes bad which is a plus.

The real flaws with PS4 and Xbox One are:

PS4: Weak.

Xbox One: Ridiculously weak.

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#7 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

@me3x12 said:

This is all real talk MS been saying for months this stuff is coming so looks like they are holding true and are going to make the Xbox One the Ultimate GOD BOX!!!

And when the Cloud Death Star becomes fully operational the Butthurt will be so immense system wars will go into a complete meltdown.

All freeing up those GPU resources is going to do is bring it back up to nearly 1.3 tflops ... and that's still crap.

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#8 Wickerman777
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@-Damien- said:

I absolutely agree

Witcher games combat SUCKS BIG TIME, only a notch above Skyrim combat, and thats an insult

I wonder why people around here even bother playing video games. According to the GS boards EVERYTHING sucks.

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#9  Edited By Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

If the GPU was as good or better than PS4's I'd get it ... enthusiastically. But just a little over 1 tflop doesn't cut it. Both of these systems should have been a minimum of 2 tflops. At least PS4 is somewhat close to that.

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#10 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts

They would have gotten X1 into my living room if it had sufficient power. But just a hair over 1 tflop for a box made in 2013 ain't gonna do it.