I'm going to keep it totally real here. I'm FED UP with MS caving in and doing what all the little whiny fanboys want on the internet. They just keep messing things up worse.
First let me say this i'm totally pissed that MGS GZ is freaking 720p why can't Kojima just make the X1 version run at lower fps like mid 40's and have it at 1080p that would be fine. I'm going to assume that this game was far to along in development and it's set now before MS will have any upcoming performance updates.
Ok back to graphics. Look we had a lot of varied opinions on the scaler chip in the X1. Some like it some hated it. I for one really liked it. You heard people complain about crushed blacks and more jaggies. I for one was ok with it yes it was a trade off but it really made the games pop and have great texture detail so it didn't matter if it was in 1080p or 720p the games had really good looking textures so it looked great regardless.
Now with the recent update things look a little to soft. It's basically on par with the PS4 in regards to having a softer image. I personally do not like it because we clearly have lost some of the great texture detail in games. I know it's a trade off and some will have varying opinions on this. But again I personally would take the way it was before the update games to me looked better with sharper textures and as a whole games looked better.
This shit is getting ridicules with MS. MS should of just stuck to their guns with everything. They should of just released the X1 as an always online system and just kept the scaler the same and just did it like they had planned. But instead whiny little trolls on the interwebs piss and moan and MS has been biting on everything and just screwing this box all up.
Or they could have just designed the console properly. 1.3 tflops and DDR3 in late-2013 are some piss-poor decisions to say the least. And then on top of that they bundled in Kinect, something the vast majority of core-gamers (Y'know, the guys that actually buy games and not just the box) could care less about. MS screwed the pooch in royal fashion and there's no getting out of it now. Policy and software decisions can be changed on the fly but hardware blunders are forever. And I'm saying this as someone that has been a Xbox fanboy for 10+ years! As soon as I saw the specs I knew they were in trouble. At that point I was hoping for a delay and a redesign. They didn't do it and now they're screwed. I've accepted it and will (Gasp!) be buying a Sony console for the first time since the PS1 way back when. Chances are you'll do the same eventually.
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