@Doulos1382: If they want to make a Battlefront game they should probably make a Battlefront game. If they'd named it something else you wouldn't see even a fraction of the complaints. As is they created expectations with the title that it might have something in common with the other games of that title.
As is the only similarities really are "It's Star Wars themed" and "You shoot stuff."
If that's all it takes then I guess the Jedi Knight games were Battlefront games, Republic Commando was a Battlefront game, Bounty Hunter was a Battlefront game, etc.
But wait, you say, those weren't multiplayer games, well, if we can discount all the other features, what's one more?
@CFritzRun: It's really pretty, but it's not terrible fun. It's going to sell like crazy on brand recognition alone and that's sad.
I just wish they'd named it something else so, as a long time Battlefront fan, DiCE wasn't spitting in my face and on my memories.
If it were called ANYTHING else it could be as mediocre as it wants without bothering me or the other fans of Battlefront in the least.
Funny part is I'm not even much of a Star Wars fan, Lucas takes every opportunity to screw that up, but at least the games are decent, at least they used to be.
@Spartan_418: I would argue that most of those features don't make Battlefield Battlefield, what makes it is the experience and pacing. You could play Battlefield with modified controls, without using ADS, and clearly Battlefield doesn't have the Halo inspired special abilities. If you were to mod Battlefield to JUST remove those features you named, and give everyone tracer rounds, it'd be very, very, very much like Battlefront2015.
Most of the examples you cite ARE part of Battlefield but they aren't intrinsic to it being that you can avoid them, modify them or simply not notice them. What you DO notice if you're not paying attention to them is the large maps that you spend a lot of time running through empty space in before getting gunned down by someone you didn't see who could be anywhere from the opposite side of the map to right behind you. That aspect it captures perfectly.
And it doesn't matter how good you are at either game, those are experiences you can run into over and over. You can have a match where you run 47 kills and 10 deaths, and 6 of those deaths could be in the last few seconds due to a repeated stretch of bad luck or spawn camping.
@ninjaxams: It's fine to like this Battlefront, it's a gorgeous game and it plays generally fine, it's just nothing like the original Battlefront games beyond "You shoot stuff" and "it's Star Wars".
A similar thing happened with Sacred 3. Sacred 1 and 2 were essentially kinda goofy cut-rate Diablo's, but they had their fans. Then, later, Deep Silver acquired the rights to the franchise through some kinda shady contracting and passed the franchise name off to another company to produce Sacred 3, which was basically a really terrible beat'em up in the vein of Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows, but without any of the fun, charm or the like.
What it ended up as for all intents and purposes was something unrelated stuffed all misshapen and twisted into the poorly prepped skin of Sacred.
The game had its fans who savagely defended it against people who felt betrayed by the naming convention.
In Battlefront's defense, they didn't call it Battlefront 3 and there's some quality underlying it.
If they'd just called it something other than Battlefront I think you'd see ZERO complaints that weren't leveled directly against the game's casual underpinnings as opposed to the large quantity of long time fans upset that the game isn't in line with its legacy.
@colbster: Don't get the game, that's just encouraging them. Wait awhile and get it on sale or used if you don't want to support it. I'm sure you'll have other stuff to mess with in the meantime.
@Zombrex: You're not alone. Though, from the moment they announced DiCE would be responsible I was wary it would be Battlefield with Star Wars paint. And that's basically what it is, albeit watered down.
I'm very disappointed. I was a huge fan of the Battlefront games and this isn't at all worthy of the name. They should just call it like it is: Star Wars: Battlefield.
The same thing happened with Sacred 3, a different company got the name, gutted it and used it to sell something unrelated to the actual franchise, it's incredibly low.
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