Core2Duo E6750.Just upgraded from an Athlon XP 2800+, which I still have and use. It's still a surprisingly good processor.
That's a real good price for that PC.Does it come with Windows? Even without the OS it's a good deal. You would have to spend a whole lot more to get a slightly better system.Buy it.
I would think 400 Watts would be the bare minimum you want. 500-600 would be better. And don't buy some cheap, generic one.I just bought a new system with 8800 GTS and E6750, too. I got an OCZ700 W power supply.
The video card will make the biggest difference.If you can only do one thing at a time, I would upgrade that first. You can get an 8800 GTS for about $300.Next would be CPU. That one is pretty old.Memory should be okay if you're running XP. You won't see much difference with more than 1.5 GB of RAM.
game starts out great but the minute the plane crash and i hit the water i have no soundcloud8900I have exactly the same problem. :?E6750, 2 GB, 8800GTS, Onboard Realtek sound, Vista Home Premium 32 BitUpdated the sound drivers, didn't help, so I rolled'em back. Still no worky.
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