@rawkstar007: another generation is just around the corner. Good faith might keep them in the driver's seat moving forward. The truth of the matter is Xbox one has been doing everything right since their trifecta of screw-ups in 2013 (always on-line DRM, kinect, higher priced/less power). Xbox is trending in the right direction as we approach next gen: New 1st party companies/projects, backwards compatibility, cross-play, EA access, Game Pass, elite controller etc. Sony would be best to follow Microsoft's consumer-friendly mantra as the console sales will soon reset to 0/0.
...thing is, if you aren't into anime/Jrpg or quick-time, controller in your lap -for minutes on end- cinematic experiences, then the console are pretty much equal in number of exclusives. I sold my ps4 pro because I only found myself ONLY playing MLB the Show, Horizon: Zero Dawn and No Man's Sky. I couldn't fathom why I spent $500 for the console, $130 for a 2tb SSHD, $80 for a second controller and $35 for a media remote(all told $850 after tax In Canada) when I only used it for 3 games.
I much prefer the Xbox one elite controller, UI, achievements, backwards compatibility and knowing my content is moving forward with me unlike Sony/Nintendo.
@dudebropartyyo: not really. Over a hundred million people clearly prefer consoles. Sure, you can do anything on pc you can on console, and get better framerate and/or graphical fidelity, but many people still choose console over pc for many reasons.
Zzshock's comments