@netiger: to shake some hands and check they production line, see if they are going to have enough for day 1. Quality control etc. And yeah, why not snap a photo while they are there too:)
@phili878: Breath of the Wild is really neat in some ways, incredibly interesting at times, but also quite boring with vast expanses of nothing at most times. Many games are more exciting and much more immersive. With that said, the attention to detail and physics are unmatched. I respect your opinion but, I personally, got bored and haven't finished Breath of the Wild yet even though I am a day Switch/Breath of the Wild owner
I am pretty sure they are just withholding virtual console to sell classic consoles first. Us fools still buying their soft launch beta console and resellers buying up classic consoles in minutes will never teach this company anything.
@musalala: they reported to the shareholders that it performed well. Because it did. Not as well as they hoped but, it sold in the millions despite It's shortcomings and the shitstorm surrounding it. Just because you didn't like it and a lot of others didn't like it didn't suddenly change It's sales numbers...
@musalala: Persona 5 is for weebs. It's pretty niche. Obviously, Zelda and Horizon were awesome, but none of these really competed with Andromeda In the context of genre. Bioware fans bought it, sci-fi fans bought it, and it was still a commercial success. Critically speaking, it did so poorly that a next one wouldn't sell which is why It's off the table for the foreseeable future.
Other than the sjw garbage and some poor dialogue, I think the game is still terrific. Multiplayer is solid, graphics are okay, it feels vast and immersive with a lot to do. I bought it day 1 with no regrets:)
Damages of precisely zero? Because that's exactly how many potential sales they have lost.
And, sliding a device into a controller is inherently different than adding controllers to a device. Not to mention that they are actually 2 functioning controllers that can work seperately, attached to the tablet or in a hand grip like a traditional controller.
I guess Sony will get sued too if they release their very similar patented portable device which is also nothing like the "wikipad."
Zzshock's comments