@nomadie: again. Do a price comparable; PC gamer just tried their best and they said the best spec and price comparable they could come up with was over $700 without a 4k bluray because that would have added another 200 dollars to the build.
And yeah, I've tried an htpc-like build from the couch. I used an Alienware Alpha i5 model. Keyboard from the couch is not enjoyable. I messed about with the Steam controller for a bit and spent hours loading in my steam library and troubleshooting, deleting old DLL's replacing with old DLL's, changing settings for optimal play, using workarounds to get through launchers on older games etc.
I spent more time getting things to run properly than actually playing any games. I know it can be done but, for an all-purpose gaming/entertainment system In the living room, consoles are superior because they are actually made for the couch and work out of the box for that purpose.
@Richardthe3rd: okay, so again this quiet htpc with a small form factor games @4k/30fps high settings at all current games and most games for the next 3 years, right. Also has a 4k bluray player? Nice sign me up -oh wait It's only $499 right???? The closest rival in performance/form factor is likely an Alienware Alpha r2 and it is almost double the price and has no bluray player.
@Richardthe3rd: only? How's your pc at being small and quiet in your living room? How is it at playing 4k blurays? How well does it work from the couch navigating through apps and games? How well can you read the text from your couch? You know, because It's a superior "experience" and all?
@bubba_666: It's a premium version of Xbox one. On day 1, it will have over 1300 games. Even without patches, all games will look better (with super sampling,) load faster, and have better gameplay due to improved framerates. This includes 1080p tv's.
ALL future titles will also get this advantage over the base model of Xbox one but, will also most likely have better visuals at both 1080p and of course, 4k.
There should be either 2 ratings (home/portable) for the game or just have it averaged out. As a portable, I'd give this game a 9, and as a home console, I'd give it a 5. Or taking the average, I'd give it a 7:)
But, the overall value of being able to play at home and on the go(And not having to pay for 2 copies of the game), makes it closer to 10 like most Switch games. I do not regret buying it for Switch over Xbox One (X) which is of course on pre-order.
@greaseman1985: I have 2 Xbox one's and an Xbox one x on pre-order. I chose FIFA on Switch for the portability. So far it is great. I have played on both docked and handheld, but mostly use the Switch as a handheld and will be the majority of my FIFA play. I recommend it. Think FIFA 16 (before "The Journey"), and if you are okay with that "on the go," it won't disappoint.
Zzshock's comments