actionquake's forum posts
From that list, these titles look appealing, I will bold the ones that are no-brainer purchases for me:
Donkey Kong Barrel Blast
Ultimate Duck Hunting
Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night
Mercury Meltdown Revolution
Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (I'm geting 360 version)
Battalion Wars 2
Manhunt 2
Super Swing Golf 2
Super Mario Galaxy
Geometry Wars: Galaxies
Godzilla: Unleashed
Rayman Raving Rabbids 2
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Hard Evidence
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
NiGHTS: Journey of DreamsSpruceCaboose
Hope you realize that ultimate duck hunting is not a sequel to the NES game, and is actually a port of a PC hunting simulator, like those crappy deer hunt games.
Nintendo: wants to turn the entire market into mini games, rehashes and gimmicky add ons like the Wii zapper
Sony: wants to keep raising console prices and keep packing in useless features
Microsoft: wants to make the best possible gaming experience for you
That is the funniest thing I have read all week. Thank you.
It should just mean someone who plays games a lot. Unfortunately, because it sounds cool, everyone wants to be a "hardcore" gamer. The terms for hardcore and casual should just be frequent and infrequent gamer. There are way to many idiots who use hardcore as a badge of honor and casual as an insult.
The fact that "casual" games like Guitar Hero, Madden and Halo sell much better on the 360 than "hardcore" games like Bioshock, and "hardcore" games like Zelda and Metroid and Red Steel sell better than "casual" games like Cooking Mama should tell you something about classifying games as hardcore or casual.
Went from Spectrum 48k - Amiga 500 - Amiga 1200 - PC (pre dedicated 3d card to Voodoo1 through to Nvidia 5300) - didn't upgrade and just played older games on PC until I got a Wii this year. I've never owned a console before although I played a fair amount of PS1 on a friends system and played a fair few Halo1 LAN matches (although I always sucked in them).
Wasn't planning on getting a console or significantly upgrading my PC, but my wife was really eager to get a Wii after playing it and I was happy to be able to play video games with her. It has been a really good system for us, we have a bunch of games that we can play when firends are over, and when I have the time I can play RE4. I am just at the end of the story in RE4 and I bought it a week after it came out, so you can figure out how much time I have for playing games.
What do people mean by phyiscs? Complex calculations applied to determine trajectories of a few objects (ie rag doll)? Simple physics applied to determine the trajectories of large numbers of objects (ie destructable environments)? Calculations applied to extremely high numbers of objects but which have little to no interaction with the environment (ie particle effects)? Making a game 'feel' right in terms of gravity etc?
The last is the hardest to do, is the most important in my book, and requires the least processing power.
The first game I ever played. Could only complete the first 8 levels as a kid, it was extremely difficult.
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