actionquake's forum posts
If MP3 is a flop in terms of sales then so is Bioshock...
1) According to VGCharz there are about 5mil Wii's and 7.4mil 360's in NA.
2) In the first 5 weeks of release Bioshock sold about 780K while MP3 sold 482K in NA.
3) Now if you work out the percentages they both come up to about 10% of the respective consoleuserbase getting those games.
4) With the steady rate the Wii is selling it is fair to assume that the number of Wii owners in NA will soon pass the number of 360 owners in NA.
5) When 4 happens and if the % of console owners buying the respective games stays the same (about 10%) then it is fair to say that the sales number of MP3 will equal or pass those of Bioshock in NA.
6) Which means that if MP3 is a flop then so is Bioshock....
Beat me to it. The ninth highest ranked game of all time on game rankings is selling at the same rate to the hardcore, mature, epic game loving 360 owners as Metroid is selling to the Granny's, little kids and soccer moms who are the sole Wii demographic.
well what I mean is look at games like NBA Live....the entire game was pathetic...shouldnt have ever come out...
But because so many people own Wii's, EA knows its gonna sell why should they bother wasting time and money on making it good??
So Wii could end up a garbage system thats used primarily for developers to make they can put those profits into other games for other systems...
Except it probably won't sell well, Madden 2008 definitely didn't. More likely EA knows that it isn't gonna sell well and so didn't bother putting any money into development.
Translation: I can't afford a PS3
Don't worry about it, neither can alot of people.
Translation: I can buy a PS3 at $200 in a year or two which will be identical to the one I can buy now for $499, and there will be more good games available to buy with the money I saved.
Basically this is a reward from MS to Bungie, it rarely happends in this industry and is a very kind gesture from MS.daswar
Errr what? Now you are just being silly.
[QUOTE="actionquake"]10-05-2007[QUOTE="kevy619"]Its just a business move, doesnt affect us gamers directly.whocares4peace
Well it affects anyone who doesn't own a 360 or gaming PC as Bungie can now produde games for their console. Pretty big news I would think.
No, because MS still retains the right to publish all its games.And I doubt MS will publish games for the Wii or ps3 anytime soon.Where do you see that? They said they are continuing their publishing agreement, meaning that Microsoft has agreed to still publish their games, doesn't say anything about Microsft having the rights to publish ALL their games.
"We will continue to develop with our primary focus on Microsoft® platforms"
If there is a primary focus then their is also a secondary focus, meaning they are looking at non-microsoft platforms (cell-phones is all I can think of that isn't another console). I'm sure they have all sorts of non-compete clauses, so I doubt there will be any Bungie FPS on Wii or PS3 anytime soon, but I wouldn't rule it out a couple of years down the line.
It needs a break. No more halo-universe games are needed until NextGen. The next game in that universe should be a launch title for the Xbox 720. Nothing until then.
From the press release it sounds like Microsft are going to milk the Halo IP for all its worth.
"a new interactive series set in the 'Halo' universe"
"through 'Halo'-related titles and new IP created by Bungie"
My guess is that relinquishing certain rights to the Halo IP was the leverage used by Bungie to become independant.
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