adrake4183's forum posts
No not everyone does it. Yes people do care. Yes you could get in trouble (although granted probably not). WOW cost money to develop and they recover part of that through subscriptions. If you don't support the industry it will die. Beyond that stealing is wrong no matter what. I am guessing you would have a different point of view if someone was stealing something you had produced.Wow private servers is illigal like copying music, everyone does it and no one cares so don't worry about that. Only ones that could possibly get in trouble with that is the ones running it.
I'd go for left4dead i've been playing it alot and not tired of it but watch out on the versus stuff people tend to be very nasty and swear alot. Campaign is alot more fun.
I suggest buying the latest pc gamer pc building bible. Its very informative, accurate, trustworthy, and it explains everything you need to know to pick out your parts and put them together. I wouldn't ask for help in a forum like our hardware section because you will get too much junk, preferences, and lies. Here's an online link but I prefer to buy the hard copy personally
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