Here is why we will never see a Wii "HD"
- Doesnt matter if Nintendo releases it January the 1st of next year of December the 11th 2011, it will cause the price of the Wii go up (this Wii HD) and people who were hoping that the Wii's lovely price cut will also apply to this Wii HD will be sadly mistaken, doesnt matter if the HD hardware is old, the Wii HD will be considered a band new console (not next gen but you know what I mean), therefor it will cost more
- 4, almost 5, years into its life cycle is a little too late to launch an upgrade of the system since I forget the number but like more than somewhere around 70 some million Wiis have sold. They should just go ahead and launch the next gen
- For those 70-80 million peope who have bought a Wii, they will most likely find it upseting that now for the people that can afford this new Wii HD will be experiencing better graphics while they are stuck with their SD Wiis because theycant afford to upgrade to HD. Also some people are extremely lazy and will never buy an upgrade because they like what they have now
- It would be a bad business move to launch both an upgrade to a current gen console and to launch the 3DS, the next generation of Nintendo handheld gaming systems, both in the same year. Nintendo knows this
- Like I kinda stated above, releasing an HD Wii would put a divide into the Wii's market. Game developers wont knowweather or not to release their games as HD only or to make it where the game will be playable on both versons of the system or to just ignore the exsistence of this HD wii
- It will cost too much money for 3rd party devs to create games for it. Out of all of the 3rd party devs that are developing for the Wii, none of them are doing it to spend a pretty penny on the game and know that the game will sell like hotcakes and make up for all the money they spent on making it. No, they are deving for the Wii becaue it is cheap and because they want to make a quick profit.
- And finially, never trust analyst.
I think you misunderstood me. The Wii HD would be the next gen from Nintendo and it would eventually compete with the Xbox 720 and PS4.
Of course it will compete for a couple of years against the 360 and PS3 just as the 360 competed against the PS2 for an entire year until the PS3 was released.
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