Ok the benefit of Blu-ray is that you can play high def movies. The negative of blu-ray is the huge price hike and the other aspects of the console that actually effect graphics such as CPU, GPU and RAM were all one year old by the time the PS3 released.
Had the PS3 released without blu-ray, Sony could have easily priced it at $400 for the 60GB version. The graphics would have been IDENTICAL to what they have now. The only difference is that required installs would not exist and some games would be on 2 or 3 DVDs.
Had Sony released the PS3 with DVD but 1 GB RAM and an 8800 GTX, then it would've been so powerful, that it could run Crysis at 1080p. It would have KILLED the 360 in graphics in 100% of multiplat games and exclusives would be miles ahead. Most PS3 games would run at 1080p and 60 fps with 4X AA. Killzone 2 would've been just amazing in high res and super fluid at 60 fps, it would look A LOT BETTER THAN CRYSIS!
Imagine having a choice between multiplats on 360 vs PS3 with the PS3 version looking a lot better in 1080p and 60 fps, how would that be?
Of course the price of the PS3 would've been initially $600 but it would have KILLER hardware that makes the 360 really look like Xbox 1.5 by comparison. I know the $600 price was a lot but at least you're getting $600 graphics in 2006 and by now the price would've been down to $300 as well and who knows how much momentum Sony would have.
As it turned out the PS3 loses to the 360 in graphics 99% of the time even though it was released 1 year later and at $200 more expensive. But at least you can play Avatar in Blu-ray.
Well, for me I would have much preferred if Sony put in 1 GB of RAM and an 8800 GTX and given us the uber console they promised. I can buy Blu-ray separately if I want to watch movies.
What do you guys think?
alexfla's forum posts
I don't mean the graphics leap, I mean the full experience after everything is factored in. The PS2 was a great system but it was very similar to the NES when you think about it. There was no menu, no real online component, mostly you just pop in the game and play. The controller was not even wireless, same as the NES.
Sure the PS2 had some great games but I think the NES has even better games and more of them. The PS2 did have much better graphics, 3D graphics and much better audio.
The jump to the 360 is huge because while sure the graphics are a lot better, the audio is better, it truly supports HD displays but then you factor in Xbox Live and the upgrade is just ridiculous.
Almost every game has a demo, you can watch trailers of most games, you can chat with your friends, you can watch movies on netflix, you can rent and buy movies and tv shows, you can buy music videos and songs. And then there is xbox live arcade games, xbox 1 games and indie games. Then you have achievements and online play. The online community is truly spectacular. You take a game such as Halo and you can actually just play that game online for years. This did not really exist with the PS2.
Halo 2 had a nice community on the original Xbox but with 360 so many games you can just explore new gameplay possibilities online. It gets to the point where online is actually more important than single player for a lot of games.
When you think about what you can do with an NES then the upgrade to the PS2, then compare what you can do with a PS2 and then the upgrade to the 360, I think the 360 was a biggest generational leap ever.
nice opinion bro.
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all opinion as usual
Well thought out and informed opinions.
I know on system wars the PS3 is the console everyone loves the most and the 360 is just bashed unmercifully. And on paper I guess you can make a case that the PS3 is the better system, a lot of things people can and do spin to try and win their system wars arguments.
However there is something called reality and there has to be a reason why the 360 is selling a lot more than any other system out there. I mean the 360 is even blowing away the Wii in sales. No one could have predicted that last year or even the beginning of this year. It's easy to just say who cares, sales don't matter but when we think about it, that isn't actually true.
Sales DO matter. I know for the past 4 years system wars has been filled with threads about how sales don't matter because the Wii is running away with the console war. And you guys were making fun of the stupid controls and casual games. Well, now your beloved system the PS3 has exactly the same controls and casual games. The strange part is that now you guys are defending the motion controls and shovelware.
The truth is sales do matter and there was a reason the Wii sold so much. Motion controls are very cool and they open up new genres of games such as exercise and dance that previously were not really possible. And all those casual mini games are a great way to initiate casuals who later may decide to play more hardcore games.
Ok, I think we've established that sales do matter and anyone who says they don't is just damage controlling. Well, why is the 360 the hands down leader in sales if people here constantly post about how much it stinks?
Well, here are a few reasons why the 360 deserves to be the best selling system.
1. The new slim console is a lot better looking than the PS3 Slim. The PS3 slim was great because it came with a $100 price drop that was urgently in need. But the system really looks like cheap crap. That didn't matter when it was going against the standard 360 which was pretty crappy looking as well. But with the 360 slim, now there's a HUGE difference. The 360 looks like a beautiful elegant piece of NEW EXCITING hardware. Some will argue that looks don't matter but they really do matter. That's why companies spend millions on designing the look of the console.
2. Price, the 360 is truly the lowest price HD console by far. Of course people here will cry and say that you need to buy the $300 360 and a $300 blu-ray player to duck tape on top of the 360 and it still doesn't compare to the PS3. But the reality is the 360 is cheap and the new gorgeous 360 Slim can be had for only $200, that is truly exciting. And the Kinect bundle only costs $300 and you never need to buy anything else to game for up to 4 players. The 360 is truly miles ahead of the PS3 in price.
3. Price of games, this gets ignored a lot on systemwars but the 360 games are just cheaper. For example, I bought Halo ODST, Forza 3, Pure and Lego Indiana Jones BRAND NEW on ebay for $20 shipped about 4 months ago. Those are pack in games that come with past 360 bundles. Every time games are packed in wth the 360 you can get them BRAND NEW from people who don't want them on ebay. Today you can go on ebay and get the same deal I got or even better with past pack in games. And it's not only that, it's also games even 6 months old get dramatic price drops on the 360. Mass Effect 2 today sells for $26.98 on Amazon for example. Older games are even cheaper, dirt cheap actually. The PS3 for some reason does not have the same effect. Games are just more expensive there and take a longer time dropping in price. And since there are never any pack in games with the system you can't get 4 new games for $20 on ebay.
4. Multiplat games are just always better on the 360. There is a lot of talk about exclusives on this forum but 99% of games are multiplat. With the 360 you get better graphics and most importantly, better ailiasing and framerate. It's so great to not have to worry if the next great multiplat will be GIMPED on your system. I know a lot of you come here and make thousands of excuses but it's really pathetic in my opinion to play an inferior game no matter how you justify it to yourself.
5. Xbox Live is just miles better than PSN Network. On paper you can make a thousand, no a million arguments about how PSN has everything and they are free and blah blah blah, but using PSN just feels sad after you have been on Xbox Live. I mean I honestly feel depressed inside, emotionally hurt when I have to play on PSN. Everything is clunky and slow and poorly layed out and gimmicky and crappy and I can't put my finger on it but it just feels like it's a taped together piece of crap that they will never get right. Again I know there is a lot of damage control on this site and everyone talks about the next firmware update that will make PSN brilliant. You guys have fun waiting around for that pipe dream. Xbox Live is an amazing service that just makes me want to thank MS for their amazing contributions to gaming. To think just last gen we were playing on PS2 and from that we went to 360 is AMAZING, WHAT A LEAP!!!!!!!! The leap from the PS2 to 360 is bigger than the leap from the NES to the PS2. I know no one on this forum will admit to that.
6. Exclusives, well I know the PS3 has had some nice exclusive games lately. But the problem I have with the PS3's exclusives is that people get on here and just go crazy about anything that's programmed for the PS3. Sometimes it's a good game and other times it's just fanboy hype. It's very difficult to tell the difference. Remember when people were comparing Lair to Kameo and Gears of War even? Lair is a pile of dung and it was hype to no end. What about Heavenly Sword, what a piece of crap. And that thing got hyped. No one in their right minds would pay even $5 for Heavenly Sword and Lair but until they got Uncharted those games were hyped. Resistance was hyped. Not a bad game but I'M TALKING ABOUT THE GRAPHICS, why the hell were they hyping that games graphics? Uncharted 1 was considered a great game until Uncharted 2 was released and then everyone admitted that Uncharted was a crappy game. Killzone 2 was hyped to no end until it was released then everyone now realizes hey, the game pretty much is not bad but just mediocre. Resistance was a lot better than Killzone 2. People won't say that but everyone knows it's true. And Call of Duty ate Killzone alive in like 2 days so I guess the point is moot.
What i'm getting at is that every PS3 game is HYPED TO DEATH so most of the time you end up with a piece of crap that you have to delude yourself to think is a good game. with the 360 YOU KNOW FOR SURE THE GAME IS GREAT if it's hyped because every 360 game is under fire. Games such as Last Odyssey, Dead Rising, Fable, Mass Effect, Forza and even Halo you know are just outstanding games. Forza 3 is probably better than GT5 and you get get it for $10 NEW. But no, we have to hype GT5 to death. And you have to hype little big planet 2 to death. Guess what, I think little big planet was an interesting concept and I hope other developers expand on it in other creative ways. However, the game LBP2 as is, is for kids and an overhyped piece of politically correct crap. I don't want to be controversial but OH NO PLEASE FORGIVE ME, I'D RATHER PLAY A FPS! The horror.
7. DLC, yea you guys cry about this all day long but it's really the future of gaming. This was started on the almighty PC but no one complained then. The fact is MS pays so that all of it's games get exclusive or timed exclusive DLC. If you care about online then you have to be CRAZY to sit there and wait for this awesome content just because you're a registered member of Sony defense force.
8. Graphics, the graphics are better on the multiplat and 99% of the games are multiplat so for the most part the graphics are better. Sure games such as UC2, Killzone 2 and GOW3 have the best graphics but only by a hair. ANd if you look at upcoming 360 games such as Gears 3, Crysis or Rage then really it's a wash.
9. Games, overall the 360 just has more and better games when you add in the PC/360 multis and the arcade games and then there is the indie games and the fact that every game has a free demo, even the indie games you get a free demo. It's just a richer and fuller experience if you look at it objectively.
10. Kinect, that's right Kinect is amazing. Nintendo pulled in the casuals, but I would rather think of them as beginning gamers. A beginner is not going to just jump into Final Fantasy 13, they need something to get their feet wet first. Well, that brings us into motion controls. Kinect I think is a great system because it's very inexpensive and for some types of games it is the ultimate controls scheme. For example, exercise games and dance games. New genres will be created because of Kinect and i'm sure in a short time we will see very deep and complex Kinect games. Also the price is right with the bundle coming in at only $300!
Concusion - There is a reason the Xbox 360 is the top selling system in the world right now. Sales DO MATTER, 360 is winning for very solid reasons. Yea the PS3 is not a bad system, it definitely has great games and you can play blu-ray movies. But the truth is, the 360 is better. Not just a little bit better but there is a nice big GAP between them. This year Kinect will launch and by early next year most of you will have gotten used to 360 leading the charts month to month.
The good news is that I believe Nintendo will announce the Wii HD at next years E3. For those of us who wanted HD Zelda and Mario this will be great news. But for now, 360 takes the lead and runs away with it with Kinect.
getting old yet? They announce games 2 years ahead then 2 months before the game is "supposed" to be released, it's delayed a few more months.
But this seems to work out because people are all excited and don't seem to care about all the waiting. They even coined the phrase, 'just wait'.
Sorry, i'd rather play games, not the waiting game.
There were rumors it was cancelled but actually it was just a name change.
And the new name for Milo is...........................................
Fable 3
I know some of you are confused about all this motion control craze and may even resent it. You may feel as if it is threatening hardcore gaming as we know it and as a result we have to fight back against it before it's too late.
But you have to understand that the people have spoken, they have voted overwhelmingly in favor of motion controls. They voted with their wallets and that's why the Wii is such a success. Sure they may be casual gamers but they love to play exercise games and to play dance games and to have a blast with shallow mini games, so what?
Do you really think Sony and Microsoft is going to ignore such a MASSIVE AND UNANIMOUS OUTCRY for these specific type of games and controls? Of course not and that is why you have now Move and soon Kinect.
I have made it clear that I prefer Kinect. I have stated my reasons but i'll try it again. First it's actually cheaper. Especially if you buy a bundle like I will. I'm going to get the $299 bundle and that really leaves me Kinect for $50 because you know the 4 GB slim is $200 and Kinect adventures is $50 so another $50 for the camera and it's a great deal. I never have to buy another piece of hardware to complete Kinect.
WIth Move you go at your own pace but TODAY RIGHT NOW it doesn't really make sense. Maybe by holiday 2011 it will be different. By then maybe the controllers will be cheaper and it will be easier to complete the package. But right now if you want to play a local 2 player game, you need 4 Move lolipop controllers. That will run you $200 right there. Plus another $40 for the camera and each Nav is $30. Also if you don't already own a PS3 then the cheapest Move bundle is $400 and it only includes just ONE lolipop and not even a Nav controller. WAAAY too expensive for no games right now. Maybe in the future things will change.
Another thing about Move that I don't like is that it's EXACTLY THE SAME as the Wii motion plus. Yea I know the graphics are much better but what happens if Nintendo announces the Wii HD next year?
In my opinion Nintendo is planning a MASSIVE UNVEIL of Wii HD at next years E3. Why didn't they do it this year? Because they didn't want it to interfere with the 3DS announcement and launch. Nintendo is very careful about that.
So now let me ask you, what exactly will Move have once the Wii HD has been released? The Wii HD will have MUCH BETTER GRAPHICS and will also have possibly IMPROVED motion controls over what the Move offers. And it will be fully compatible with the regular Wii. And because it's only marketed as the Wii HD, Nintendo can also launch a MUCH BEEFIER Wii 2 to go against the PS4 and Xbox 720 if they have to later on.
Kinect is really something truly new and Nintendo doesn't really have an answer for it. Also Microsoft is smart because they are really treating this as a new console launch and investing heavily here. And the price is right with an entry level Kinect bundle for only $300 and next year they can easily drop the price if the Wii HD comes around.
Finally i'd like to mention the fact that us hardcore gamers have also voted. We have voted with our wallets as well that we love hardcore games. Do not think for one second that Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft has ignored us. Why do you think Nintendo, the SYSTEM THAT BROUGHT US MOTION CONTROLS AND CASUALS LOVE is now going big with the hardcore games? Because our votes have been tallied and we will get the hardcore games that we want.
As big a seller as the new casual market is, the hardcore market is even bigger. Just take a look at Halo Reach or Modern Warfare 2 sales as evidence. Right now, casual games don't come close.
So, how many of you are going to embrace this new *option* available to us gamers and buy one of the new motion control devices of choice?
For one, i'm buying Kinect on day one.
Im a hardcore gamer and I didnt found any of those points appealing...the most appealing one was fable 3 but kinect doesnt call my attention I dont want to play without buttons also, gaming consoles should be used to game...not to try to lose weight...there are gyms for that...or you can even go jogging which is more effective and more economic...
First of all, you can play Fable 3 with only the controller if you'd like. But if you have Kinect, then you have additional immersive control options that have yet to be revealed but i'm sure will be awesome.
You may not want to use a console to lose weight but have you taken a close look at Wii Fit sales? It's a MASSIVE SUCCESS and a clear indication that many people LOVE the idea of using a videogame as an exercise aid. Think about it, what is better for those who don't want to or can't afford a gym membership, an exercise video or a Kinect exercise game?
Maybe for YOU PERSONALLY it's gym or die trying but for COUNTLESS MILLIONS of people around the ENTIRE WORLD exercise games are a MASSIVELY POPULAR option.
Move is:
1. Cheaper.
2. more accurate (from the information gathered so far.) Hey, people have it in their hands already, so I can say this is true.
3. Doesn't make you look like a total idiot... but whatever.
4. Going to be patched into existing games (RE5, MAG, and Heavy Rain with Move, anyone?)
How is move cheaper? Kinect costs $150 with a game and up to 4 player support. No additional hardware required.
Move is $100 with a game and substantial additional hardware is required depending on the game you are playing.
If you just want to play a 2 player game then you need over $300 worth of hardware. Plus you have to spend all day charging the controllers vs kinect that you never charge anything.
Move is not more accurate, we now know that the 1:1 Sony marketing was pure bs. It remains to be seen how accurate it is. I guess time will tell but it's definitely not 1:1.
You think Move doesn't make you look like an idiot? This is subjective but I don't think you would look so hot dancing around and waving a glowing pink lolipop.
Going to patched into nothing actually. We all know that crappy patch jobs are worthless. Just look at the reviews.
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