Hello, my lovely snowflakes!
(sorry, Ive got cool things on the brain as its been hella hot in southern cali lately. It hit 101 in downtown Los Angeles on Thursday. There were people eating ice cream and mailboxes melting into puddles of goo everywhere =P. There's also a bunch of wildfires taking down million dollar homes left and rignt. whew, thank goodness I'm not rich!)
Monday was my first day back to school in like 4-5 years and it wasnt that great. I ended up missing half of my first class due to being lost. They put the Humanities building behind the library and squeezed it in between two other, bigger buildings, so you'd only find it if you already knew where it was (in which case you wouldnt be lost). Not that I'd admit to being lost, mind you.
I was wandering around campus, in some sort of daze, like Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter books, frequently bumping into people, trying to find this building, when I had pretty much roamed the entire campus twice. (This is how I usually walk around =P) I stopped under a large, shady tree, and I didnt think it was so obvious, but a nice guy came up and asked if I was lost.
Nice guy: excuse me, are you lost?
Me: pssh, of course I'm not lost, I know exactly where I am, I'm under this tree.
Nice guy: Oh okay.
Me: Just for reference sake, would you happen to know where the Humanities building is?
Nice guy: Yeah, its behind the Library.
Me: Oh, thanks! That will definitely help.
Nice guy: want me to walk you there?
Me: well if you insist...
Soo I finally get there like 20 min late and class is on the 3rd floor. The teacher is kinda funny, seems like a nice guy and we dont need the book til next week, so that's a plus. I dont see anyone too cute in the class though (bummer =P). Its nice to have someone hot to stare at,
My next class, the one I actually wanted to go to, I missed totally because my counseling appointment started at the same time class started, only I didnt realize it until it was too late. I hope they dont drop me. I'm hoping to make it to both on Wed, maybe even on time.
There are sooo many people on campus and its freaking hot during the day too. Luckily the buildings seem to be air conditioned.
On the gaming front I started Fallout 3 again. I've been trying to do all the quests in Megaton so I can blow the place sky high. I dont know what it is, but the game just turns me off in a lot of ways. I loved Bethesda's other games, like Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivion. Fallout 3 just doesnt grab me. Its a pretty dreary world and for an open world game, a lot of the paths are blocked off (turnoff!). I'm also not a fan of modern combat vs medieval combat. I tried walking to Rivet City and kept getting mowed down by huge Arnold Schwarzenegger wannabe guys with large miniguns. I coulda sworn after they killed me the last time, one of them shouted, "Its not a tomb-uh!" =P.
I also picked up Batman: Arkham Asylum and Ghostbusters, the first new games Ive bought in a really long time. I havent played Ghostbusters yet but Ive been slowly making my way through Batman. I'm at a certain boss fight where you have to avoid being seen. Anyone know how to beat it? I keep running into a wall (literally). Its definitely a fun and addictive game.
I finally finished Mass Effect and I really enjoyed it, (review). If nothing else, the game has me all the more eager for Mass Effect 2. I also went through the DLC Bring Down the Sky, which was okay. I guess I'll be skipping the universally panned new Pinnacle Station DLC, at least for awhile. Now I just need to find another RPG =P.
Hope your week is going well!
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