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Allicrombie Blog

PS3 Rules and Raptr Drools

Hello, my shiny happy fellow bloggers!

("Omg, shes blogging twice in one week, I want what she's smoking!") Its true, I usually try for a once a week blog, cause I'm not nearly interesting enough to blog daily =P

Anyway I was trying out Raptr for a few days cause some people on the forums here had it and if you go to their page, they make it sound like the end all, be all, swiss army knife of applications. Its supposed to feature multiple messaging clients and track xbox achievements, ps3 trophies, steam achievements, and WoW character achievements. It also tracks your game libraries for various systems. Now that's a killer app! It makes the spork look like a rusty cheese grater =P

Or it would, if it worked right =P. Apparently it didnt track my xbl achievements at all when I was using it (I put in my gamertag and all). It also says on their page that Sony asked them to remove trophy tracking. I dunno about the WoW achievements, but it did track steam achievements. Of course there is another program that tracks steam achievements, which you probably use if you're tracking those, its called Steam! So really all it has going for it is multiple messaging clients, which a number of other programs can do, (and those do it without pretending to do other things). If I was reviewing it, I'd probably say something like, "Unlike the predator that it shares its name with, this raptr is all bark and no bite", or something like that.

Well Eric stopped by this weekend, fiance in tow. (He's so whipped, he wont go anywhere, or do anything without her, its like they're one person with two heads =P). We played a lil 360. and ps3 and I told em he could borrow the 360 if he wanted, and I gave a few games out of my impossibly large stack. Its not really a big deal, as I still have my ps3, and I didnt play it all that much anyway.

This does present me with a few unique options, worth considering, like now I have an excuse to get a shiny new modern warfare 250gb 360, or even more fashionably, a red resident evil 5 one. I know, I dont really NEED a new 360 as pretty much most games I played on it, I can play on ps3, or pc.

I'm also considering trading in my impossibly large stack of 360 games for a slightly smaller stack of choice ps3 titles, although the lack of a 360 may finally let me get some writing done. I havent written anything worth reading in a long time, (though Im sure the 3 people who read my blog would doubt that).

The Alli Report 1/15

Hello my lovelies!

I hope you've all been having a great new year! Me and John have been hitting the movies, pretty much every Sunday night around 11pm. The last few movies we've seen were;

Daybreakers was pretty cheesy, like most vampire movies. The best part was probably that they accidentally showed the first ten minutes of Alvin and the Chipmunks by mistake! John said when he heard these squeaky voices in the beginning, he thought it was some kinky demon thing =P. The manager was nice though and came in and handed everyone a free movie ticket, which was nice, considering there were a good 30 people or so in the theater. I can see how they could mix up Daybreakers and Alvin and the Chipmunks. One is about an army of soul sucking, annoying little monsters and the other one is Daybreakers. =P

I'm kinda surprised that Sam Neill was in Daybreakers. I like him, as an actor and havent seen him in awhile.

We're supposed to go see "The Book of Eli" this Sunday. I have no idea what its about, but John says, "it has Denzel carrying a big gun, thats all I need."

If you've been missing me on 360, its becauae Ive been showing the ps3 some love, alternating between Demons Souls and Eternal Sonata. Demon's Souls is a blast, I must have died about a hundred times so far. Thanks Ragnar for the help, by the way! Eternal Sonata looks so nice on the ps3, not that I played the 360 version at all. Its a lot of fun, but there are no trophies, which is kind of a bummer, everyone likes little pop up achievements!

Its Resolution Time!

Hello, my lovelies!

Its that time of year again! The best part of the beginning of the year is making resolutions! Think about it, if you were to start making resolutions any other time of year, you'd just end up looking silly. The other 11 months are for putting off these resolutions, so make them good ones! Here's mine so far.

-Write More

(more blogs, more editorials, more reviews, more erotic poetry...) O.O...wait, scratch that last one.

-Read More

-Complain about not writing more.

-Complain about not reading more.

-Buy more shoes.

(I know what you're thinking, but at only 18 pairs, I must be the most deprived girl around. =P)

-Convince Eric that reading fine literature does not mean reading the back of cereal boxes.

(As a former lit major, now majoring in procrastination, I realize that fine literature is subjective, but I dont think anythinmg written by Kellogg's qualifies. =P)

-Show the PS3 more love.

(Its no secret that I dont play the ps3 as much as the 360. This has kinda shifted lately though, as Ive been playing PSN games, like Shatter, Flower and Trine. They're all pretty fun, actually. I also ordered Demons Souls off ebay, and its supposed to come this week, so I'll hopefully be getting my butt handed to me soon.)

-Play more WoW

(I have kind of a love/hate relationship with WoW. I like it, to a point. I emailed a friend and asked him to send me one of those 'Scrolls of Resurrection" thingies that you can send your friends if they havent played in more than 90 days. I think you and your friend get like bonus xp if you do it that way or something. I also think WoW needs a better tagline, than "What's your Game?". Everquest always had the "You're in our world now", line, which is way better. It';s also a lot like the Coca Cola slogan, "You're in our world now, *****!" =P I know what you're thinking, but it really does make me want a Coke =P)

How are your resolutions coming?

The Day After

Soooo its the day after Christmas, and I hope you've all taken your morning after pills!

I didnt do much for the big day, just went to the evil relatives' house and watched the Laker game (which was pretty sad).

I have been picking up some games here and there. I did get Flower on PSN (so pretty!), Marvel vs Capcom 2 on XBL (thank goodness it was only 6 bucks =P), and Torchlight (its actually fun, who knew??).

In case any of you guys didnt know, Steam is having some awesome deals til the new year hits. Some highlights include:

12/26: Torchlight is 4.99 today! definitely worth it.

Beyond Good and Evil 4.99

Rome Total War+expansion 2.49

Medieval Total War 2 4.99

World of Goo 4.99

Knights of the Old Republic 4.99

like everything on steam is 30-80% off! they kinda make psn and xbl deals look like crap =P.

Oh I did get to check out avatar last week and it was great. The colors were so nice looking, everything blended together really well. Not having seen a 3D movie since 3D glasses were made of paper, it was a little weird, cause when youre watching it, 3D doesnt look 3D, 3D looks normal. So I was constantly asking John if stuff was in 3D lol.

Me: Psst, hey is this in 3D?

John: Yeah.

Me: Hey was that in 3D?

John: Shush.

Me: Did I miss anything in 3D when I just asked if that was in 3D?

John: quiet you!

(long awkward silence)

Me: psst...hey

John: what??

Me: I think my popcorn is in 3D!

Anyway, I hope you're all having a safe and happy Holidays!

ModNation Racers Beta Impressions

Soooo I grabbed one of the modracers beta keys as soon as they became available yesterday morning and spent most of the day checking it out. The online stuff wasnt enabled, but they had three tracks available to run time trials on and they were pretty fun. Its a lot like Little Big Planet meets Super Mario Kart, if you can imagine that,

You get to drive to the various buildings in the game to get things started, and there are also spaces that were empty that had spots for the best karts and best characters, probably user voted on. They also had billboards that supposedly display the best racers and top downloaded levels (it did connect me for a second or two and one of the billboards flashed the top downloads and best racer).

I also took some pics with my sucky cell phone cam, so I hope you can see em (I had to take em sideways cause the whole screen wouldnt fit the other way). There was a farm level, which was a straight circle, with nice country scenery, you know, trees, pastures, sheep, etc and some nice looking mountains in the distance.

There was also a middle east flavored market district level, with what looks like mosques and a little patch of coastline. There are way more turns as you swerve around the buildings, but there are also a few shortcuts too.

The third level was a long desert road, with the road itself eventually disappearing into the sand. It had a bunch of turns and reminded me of that long road from Cali to Vegas where the scenic highlights included lots of sand, sand...and if you were feeling risque and turned in the right direction...more sand! =P

The creation station is where you can modify your racer, kart and build your own track, as well as upload your creation to the community, if you're the "share the love" type. The beta doesnt let you mess with the karts (well it didnt let me), but there are a good 10-12 different karts to choose from. The character creator is a lot like little big planet, as you can choose differerent "textures" for your character and there are sliders for adjusting how metallic, how rubbery and how cloth-like your character can be. You can also apply stickers to your charrie. The interface is very Little Big Planet-ish, with small boxes representing all the materials you can use.

Controlling your racer is pretty easy, you use the left stick to move, and R2 accelerates and L2 brakes and reverses. You can also use the d pad arrows to taunt your opponents.

All in all, it seems like a pretty fun game, especially if you enjoyed Little Big Planet and/or Super Mario Kart.

Sleepless in Wii-attle

(Yeah I know the title is silly, just go with it =P)

Soo I cant sleep, its like 4:04 am here, so what better way to kill some time than by snogging...err I mean blogging....yeah thats it,..blogging. >.>

On the gaming front I downloaded Shadow Complex recently. Its kind of funny, I started it up and I immediately thought, "oh god, its a soldier infested wargame...I knew I shoulda played the demo!". Five hours later I'm in some underground base, occupied by badly dressed terrorists, or Lady Gaga backup dancers, I'm not quite sure which. I juzt know that the game so far is a blast.

You're all probably getting tired of hearing this, but Ive started Dragon Age again. My sixth charrie is now an Arcane Warrior, which Im liking a whole lot better than Shapeshifter, (If you add up all the playtimes of my various charries, they total 50+ hours hehe). The nifty thing about Arcane Warrior is that they can equip heavy armor and shields, turning the strength requirement needed for such items into a magic requirement, which are always high for mages. Anyway I romanced Alastair in the game recently, and the love scene, in true Bioware fashion, was accompanied by cheesy music. It even gives you achievements for having virtual sex. (now if only real sex gave those =P).

I've also been playing Wii! Its quite a nice accomplishment, considering I dont own one. Actually, its the neighbors' kids Wii, which they dont play, all they play is some little known indie game on 360...Halo something or other. =P Whats sad is they gave me the wii and the controllers, but none of the cables to hook it up so I went and bought a universal component cable and an ac adapter, and because Gamestop was having a buy 2 get 1 free sale, on used games, I picked up Twilight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros Brawl. I've only played about an hour of Twilight Princess ao far, but it seems like a lot of fun. (I havent gone through a Zelda game since I finished Wind Waker). It also looks great in 480p. Oddly, I have two sets of component inputs on my tv and I unplugged the cable box and plugged those into the 2nd set to make room for the wii cables, and now the cable picture is a lot darker. I'm not sure why, but on the bright side, the wii picture is really bright and clear.

I'll let you guys know how Im progressing on the games soon!

10 Items or Less

Hello my lovely Gamespotters!

I hope you all had a great Turkey Day! (those that celebrate it). Mine was pretty typical, you know, relatives, 12lb turkey, lots of stuffing, etc.

So anyway, after the turkey stuffed and ate all my relatives, I wished it a good eve and went home.

I didnt forget about being tagged awhile back by 2ndWonder, soo without further ado, here are ten things you probably never wanted to know about me, each one more terrifying than the last. (Didnt I do one of these awhile back?)


1. Alli doesnt like wearing jeans.

2. Alli's favorite actor is Daniel Day Lewis.

3. Alli carries Purell everywhere she goes.

4. Alli loves a cup of Earl Grey in the morning.

5. Alli gets cold if its 75 or below.

6. Alli gets psyched for NaNoWriMo every year and then totally blows it off.

7. Alli has only played two FPS games regularly online. Quake and Jedi Knight.

8. Alli loves nature ,,,as long as its on the Discovery Channel.

9. Alli wishes she could play piano.

10. Alli thinks people that refer to themselves in the third person are weird.

13 Going on 31

Hello Gamespotters!

That's right, Friday I reached the ripe old age of 31!

It wasnt a bad day at all, actually.

I went to see 2012 and it was okay. The special effects were sweet.

I also picked up Assassin's Creed II, which Im having tons of fun with , and Tekken 6, which I played for five seconds before getting my butt handed to me by the cpu.

I got various B-day well wishes from friends and relatives and even got a card from the local pharmacy with two movie tickets inside which I thought was very nice, since I only shopped there a few times.

My cousin even gave me a present, he left me alone for nearly the whole day, which is a lot nicer than it probably sounds.

Even the voices in my head wished me a Happy Birthday, which was nice and a bit unexpected since they usually just talk about sex-err I mean video games. =P

Now I tell everyone that I'm a bitter old maid, and how, back in my day, we used apple iie'a, played on atari 2600's, and watched gobots, and someone else always has a better story about how old they are. Something like:

"Well back in my day, i used to hang out with Double C, that's Chris Columbus, it was around 1490, and I called him C Squared and he called me a traitorous dog (it was a thing we had). Anywhoo, me and old C Bass would spend hours at sea, scavenging spices from the New World, invading continents that had already been populated, looking up and pretending the clouds looked like boobs, you know, stuff everyone did back then (he was really good at that last one). Hey, did I ever tell you about the time I saved General Patton from Lex Luthor??"

Oh well. Hope you guys have a nice weekend and great week!

The Late Late Blog...with Alli

Hello my lovelies!

I know, I havent blogged in a few days (months), and some of you are probably wondering where I've been, if I've been okay or not even noticing I've been gone. Not to worry, I'm not here to judge (*judges them all guilty*). Soo where have I been..well its actually a funny story (actually its not so much funny as it is long =P).

Well I woke up one day with a temp of 100, and since my immune system isnt always 100%, I was a little concerned. So I drank about a liter of cherry blast flavored Tylenol, (if you've ever taken Tylenol, you know its kinda like the doorman at your apartment building, after 6 hours, he goes on break to get a beer, and tons of salesmen and door to door religious fanatics sneak in). So 6 hours later, the temp soared to a record breaking 104.

The worst part about having a 104 degree fever is that its not high enough to invoke hallucinations. Before heading to the ER, I stared out the window, hoping for a pink elephant sighting or maybe a large green beetle or something (the talking dog on the corner doesnt count, he's been talking to me for years).

So I get to the hospital and they admit me, mostly to draw buckets of blood and flush my system with antibiotics. For you medical types, nothing ever grew out, no bacteria, or fungi (pronounced fun boys in Spring Break English), but they hit me with enough antibiotics to take down the swine flu (I was there for a week).

I gotta say though, the new UCLA Hospital really impressed me. The old hospital, had two beds and one tv in each patient room (and I never got the tv). By comparison the new hospital has private rooms, hd tv's (in each room), 100+ channels, leather couch and desk chair in each room, an ocean view and wi fi internet in each room (not that I'd take a laptop there, I'm always afraid someone will play "Snatch n Grab", while I'm down in radiology getting spinal tapped =P).

Anyway I'm fine now, except I have what John calls GAS (Game Acquisition Syndrome), cause I like buying games way more than actually playing games. For example, I picked up Borderlands and Smackdown vs Raw 2010, when they came out and despite not really liking Borderlands (too much fps for me), I havent really played them. Even better, I have a huge stack of 360 games that , mostly, Ive never even finished (some I havent even started), but at least they look cool, right?

On a completely unrelated subject, I'm thinking of picking up some games this week and I;m not sure what to play. I was thinking about Brutal Legend and/or Tekken 6, but Assassin's Creed 2 comes out Tues. (and I actually did finish the original). I wanna play DJ Hero, dunno if I wanna buy it though.

On the gaming front I downloaded Operation Anchorage for Fallout and went through a couple missions. Oh and Dragon Age! After drooling over it for months, I got the collectors edition on the release day and started going through it. I made a mage, (1st char) and got to level 5 and got tired of the whole not being able to open every chest I came across (you'd think I'd know what I'm doing by now, after Baldur's Gate 1/2 and Neverwinter Nights 1/2). Soo I made a rogue (2nd char), and rogue isnt bad, I can shoot arrows, and stealth, and backstab and I was killin stuffs and doing quests and I got to level 12 and I was having fun and all...until....

I hit Gamestop about a week ago to get a friend a late b day present (he wanted Batman: Arkham Asylum for PC), and the guy there was preaching the awesomeness of the PC version of Dragon Age and well..long story short, I left the store with one of the two remaining copies of the pc version of the game and the hardcover collector's edition guide. Soo I start up a new charrie (3rd char), and I've learned enough about rogue to go back to mage. You know what? The pc version does look and play a lot better and I thought this would be the definitive version I play. Until...

Wouldnt you know it, I have to share my mouse. I have a razer something or other that glows in the dark and eats mice, (I think), and its usually on the desktop, which my cousin uses. So after a week of playing footsie with the mouse, I decide to go back to the 360 and make a new charrie. (4th char). This one is doing quite well, Ive actually progressed through the game a bit, I think shes level 13, and has the Inferno spell (it creates a huge column of flames in a huge area and looks wicked).

Anyway if you're still awake, sorry for the wall of text. Hope you all have a great week!

Is Your Car Lonely?

Hello, my pretty little snowflakes!

After a week in the 95-101 degree range (whew!), its cooled down substantially this weekend, and this coming week, they're saying its gonna be in the 80s, which is a lot cooler. My first week at school was torture, as many of you know, I'm not a morning person at all. Getting up at 6-7 is waaay too early for me. The main highlight of the hot weather was that most of the 17-18 year olds at school werent wearing much at all. It makes for a great show. (Come on, you know you look too =P). I wish I could get away with wearing two teacups and a paper napkin to school and call it an outfit =P.

My roomate recently got a cat. Its cute and all but Im so sick of cats. Its always "someone else's cat", that's running around. My cousin's cat is always underfoot and now the roomie has one. Worse yet, now apparently the cat is lonely so she wants another one. (What the heck??). When did this start? My friend Eric's sister Jenny had a son and not two months later, decided that the baby would be lonely, so they had another. (Thank God no one at the bookstore told me my Psych book might get lonely, or I'd have to shell out another 135 beans). I'm starting to wonder if the evil relatives new Benz might get lonely, maybe they'll buy another one =P.

I havent done too much on the gaming front this week, but I did borrow Kung Fu Panda and Lego Indy so I played a little of those and they're okay. I'm still trying to find my way around in Fallout 3, I'm only level 4. I did manage to kill some super mutant behemoth. (It was like a giant version of Arnold, with a fire hydrant in one hand and a load of hp). It took all my ammo and one grenade to bring it down but it gave me 75xp. (Yay!)

Hope you guys are having a great holiday weekend!