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The Alli Report - Easter Edition

Hello my lovelies!

I hope you all have a safe and happy Easter! (cause I kinda sorta like most of you guys, you know =p)

Anyway, what I have been up to. I havent been on the consoles lately cause my internet wouldnt work and I had to call netgear and they got my net working on the laptop but the consoles wouldnt work so I had to buy a new router and now everything works fine.

Ive been playing lots and lots of WoW. I got to level 80 with my priest and in true Alli fashion I got bored, hehe. Sooo I started leveling another charrie. I'm waiting for a couple friends to get to 60 so my level 62 druid can quest with them (that's like the lowest level charrie I have).

Oh! I got a new phone! its a blackberry. It looks something like this:

actually mine's one of the red ones. Its kinda neat, it can play youtube videos and mp3s and has msn messenger and stuff. I only got it cause it was free.

Gamefly sent me Brutal Legend and Bioshock 2 for ps3 this week. I played a little of Brutal Legend and so far it seems pretty neat. It has kind of an H P Lovecraft kinda feel with dark humor tossed in. Seems like a pretty fun game. I havent tried Bioshock 2 yet, but I loved the first one.

I was at Gamestop the other day and I couldnt think of a thing I wanted. Well I did see something I wanted but I'm pretty sure she had a boyfriend/fiance. =P Actually I was checking out the DS section but I couldnt find Devil Survivor, which I've been wanting to play for awhile. I suppose I could have asked the cute salesgirl. =P They had the DSi XL on display and wow those are some big knockers! (and by knockers, I mean screens.) Its actually kind of funny, cause I never played my DSi, and found myself missing some simple GBA action, so I bought a coral pink DS Lite on eBay and Pokemon Ruby. Soo since I didnt play the DSi, I gave it to my friend's fiance, (yes I know, I coulda traded it in and got a DSI XL for 99.99). But now I find myself wanting the DSI XL, if for nothing else, for its big screens, cause lets face it, I'm an old fart and im going blind anyway, right? (*rationalizes*). Anyway I read I could get it for 129.99 if I trade in my pretty DS Lite. You know the new DSi XL is 189.99? anyone else think thats a lil pricey?? I could just about get a wii for that!

Hmm I think thats about it. Not much else happening at the moment. Hope you're all doing well! and have a great week!

I gotta stop napping. =P

Recently, I've gotten into the habit of taking afternoon naps. Now this wouldnt be so bad if I slept for 20-30 min, and conked out at night, but I've been going to bed at 1pm and getting up at 8-9pm. Of course then I cant sleep at all at night. This is really messing up my internal clock. Up is down, black is white, Gamespot is IGN (eek!). Its so weird, I wake up and its all dark outside lol. This also has the added side effect of killing the entire day. My friend John takes naps, and sleeps all night but he takes sleeping pills (which is cheating if you ask me. Besides, I dont like taking meds, I dont wanna get hooked on em).

Anyone else turn into a chronic insomniac/pseudo vampire when they nap?

Is God of War 3 sneaking up on anyone else?

Hello my lovelies!

Hope you're all having a nice March!

In an odd twist, I find myself actually wanting to play God of War 3, when I'm not a huge God of War fan and have only had a passing interest in the rest of the series.

My experiences with God of War havent been great actually. I picked up the first one kinda soon after it was released on PS2, and was going through it and all and never finished it, not because I stopped playing, but because the disc kept freezing up at certain points (I had a first gen ps2). Since then I kinda steered clear of the whole franchise, skipping over buying the sequel and not really looking into getting Chains of Olympus much, (even though I liked the whole red psp thing).

Fast forward a bit and I notice they've released a God of War I&II pack for PS3, and I pick it up, not because I'm in love with God of War but because I figure maybe I'll actually be able to finish the first one. Soo I play for a little while but I havent really gotten past the first level. (yet =P). It came with a code for the e3 demo, which I thought looked really nice, but I never bothered to install.

Is it a little strange then, that I'm looking forward to God of War 3?

I havent always wanted to play it though. In fact, it wasnt on my radar til recently. I saw the stuff at e3 and was like, "that looks okay..". But the fact is, the more I heard and saw of the game, the more it made me wanna play it. The preview here they did on GS showed off some amazing looking graphics, and I've always been a big fan of Greek Mythology, you know back when Greek Mythology was cool. (Note: Greek Mythology was never cool).

I also read how it was supposed to feature this all star cast too, doing the voices, like Rip Torn and Malcolm McDowell. Michael Clarke Duncan as Atlas? who can resist that?? =P

Has a game snuck up on you before? Like you hear about it coming out and you dont think much of it, but the more you see and hear, you think, "hey, I might enjoy playing that!"?

Happy Birthday, Vivaldi

It's the 332nd birthday of Antonio Vivaldi, the Italian composer. Today's Google doodle honors 'The Four Seasons,' Vivaldi's most famous composition.

I thought the Google design was nice. We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog. =P

I'm On To You, Gamespot!

Hello, my lovelies!

Hope you're all having a great Smarch!

"Lousy Smarch Weather!"

-Homer Simpson.

Gamespot gave me the top 100 reviewers emblem recently.

I dont remember campaigning for it, or getting any votes. Now I know how George W Bush felt after winning the election! *Zing!*

I'm sure its an underhanded ploy to get me to write more user reviews. That's right, I'm on to you, Gamespot! Your Jedi mind tricks wont work on me. You've got to get up pretty early in the morning to fool-...actually you just need to be up before noon.

In other Alli news, I've been pulling all nighters on World of Warcraft lately.

Time sure flies while you're on WoW.

Sundays with Alli

This was supposed to be Tuesdays with Alli, but I got a little sidetracked. =P

anyway, Happy Sunday!

If you've seen me on xbl this past week, at all, you know Ive been playing Fallout 3. Lots of Fallout 3. =P

I've gone through all the DLC expansions and while they provide a nice change of scenery, they werent really game changing or anything. Anchorage is pretty linear, The Pitt , probably my least favorite, is a pretty industralized post apocalyptic version of Pittsburgh, run by slavers. Broken Steel was pretty neat, as you get to infiltrate Adams Air Force Base, the Enclave's last refuge. Point Lookout is kind of interesting. It takes place in this swampy, bog infested part of Maryland and features freaky cultists and mad scientists. Theres also a good 30 locations around the map to discover. Mothership Zeta has you escaping from the holding cell in an alien ship, running through the whole ship, from bottom to top, eventually culminating in a battle against another alien ship, from the bridge of the one you're on, Wrath of Khan style. That's definitely the high point, hehe. (Although if you search the landing site of the ship, in the wasteland, you find a dead alien and an alien blaster, with ammo, probably one of the more powerful pistols in the game).

I find myself looking forward to FFXIII quite a bit. I dont think Ive played a FF, since X2. so its been awhile. Its also been awhile since I sat down with a nice long traditional RPG. Most RPGs these days arent traditional, or the combat is first person or third person.

Happy V Day!

Hello, my lovelies!

Just wishing you all a Happy V-Day! (Not to be confused with D-Day. One is a prelude to one of the darkest moments in human history, and one is D-Day =P).

You guys probably heard this news story, but apparently, Sweethearts. the company that produces those pretty little candy hearts with messages on them, is making the colors brighter, and the flavors fruitier. They've also added the messages "text me", and "tweet me" to the candies. You can also buy the older candies still. though.

To quote one newscaster after finishing the story,

"Brighter, fruitier candy?. this has got to be the slowest newsday we've had in years, who really cares about this stuff??"

I thought it was funny when he said that on the air. His co anchor was struggling not to laugh.

The Alli Report: Bloody Sunday Edition

Hello my lovelies!

I have my 360 back so feel free to resend all those friend invites, love letters, and dirty limericks. =P I was playing some mass effect to try to get to level 60, before I get the sequel, so I can do all the import stuff, you know, and I picked uo Pinnacle Station (it was only 400 points, and it seemed okay, just some missions on a space station, nothin special, ) and I did a survival mission and the longer you survive, the more points you get. well I made it to 58 minutes and it froze up on me! I figured it was probably a fluke so I started it up again and it did it again! needless to say, thats a big turnoff.

There's so many games that I wanna play! I'm tempted to get back on Gamefly just to I can rent some of em. Apparently Raptr has decided to track my achievements now, which is nice, considering I'm not much of an achievement junkie. I'm a collector's edition junkie though, and have been in auctions on ebay where the Mass Effect CE has gone for 140 dollars and up. Thats insane! (cause I really thought I had it at 140 =P). I was tempted to preorder the Bioshock 2 CE, but the more I think about it, the more I think I should just get the regular ME2 and Bioshock 2 games, and use the extra money for more games, like Bayonetta and Darksiders.

In other Alli news, I'm back on WoW! Hey, no booing and hissing allowed! if you're gonna boo, then iowastate's blog is right around the corner =P (just kidding! whew, if this was a tv show, I'd so be canceled after like 2 episodes, hehe). I dont know how much time I'll have for WoW with all these other games I wanna play.

I know there's a lil niche sporting event today called the Super-something or other, I dont know, who really follows this stuff anyway? I'm probably gonna watch it though, cause I like the commercials and the halftime show, I just wish they werent interrupted by all that football =P (Maybe I should just Tivo it and watch it later, and fast forward through the football. =P)

Its finally showing my new banner, yay! Hope you guys like it. I figured new year, new banner, new avatar, old Alli =P.

Hope you all have a great week!

Arkham or Bust

Soo I finally finished Batman: Arkham Asylum last night. Its my first playthrough and I have a 75% complete, which I dont think is too bad. I dont know if I wanna play through it all again, but I may go back and see if I cant finish off the riddles and mess around in the challenge mode. Playing as Joker in the challenge maps is pretty funny. Instead of Batman's cape spin stun move, the Joker throws poison gas, and has a pistol and a joy buzzer that shocks opponents (literally). The game is so good, I may even write a review. I really enjoyed it. Its definitely the best Batman game Ive ever played.

Not to be confused with this asylum:

(I think a Lego Arkham Asylum is kinda cute =P)

In case you didnt know, in the game, you explore the large asylum, solving puzzles and running into several of the Dark Knight's most fearsome foes. There's:

the Joker, obviously!

The game also features:

Harley Quinn, as well.

And perhaps Batman's most formidable enemy,

That's right, it's Poison Woody!

(Oh come on, you knew it was coming =P).

The Alli Report

Hello, my lovelies!

Happy Monday! (I know, I hate Mondays too. =P). Me and John went to see Book of Eli last night, and I actually kinda liked it. If there was ever a movie that reminded me of Fallout, this has to be it. There's a nifty twist near the end, and I was pleasantly surprised to see Malcolm McDowell has a small role as well. (I'm a big fan of his).

I traded in my small stack of 360 games for like 5-6 new ps3 games, (I know, Gamestop is a rip off and I'm sure Mailer thinks I'm insane, but I pretty much gave Eric my 360, so its the easiest way to get ps3 games without spending any money =P. I do wanna get a new 360 eventually, but I want the red one that they arent selling anymore, which means ebay.)

For the curious, I picked up Assassin's Creed 2, Batman, God of War Collection, Fallout GoTY edition, Madden 10 and Valkyria. (Hey at least I got 6 good games =P). (Ive played a bit of AC2 and Batman on 360 and Fallout Ive logged a good 72 hrs in on 360. Soo why did I get it again? Well aside from a couple missions, Ive done none of the DLC. Plus this one has shiny trophies!

In other gaming news, my slow trek through the world of Demon's Souls continues at an even pace. I recently took down Leechmonger (Level 5-1), and the massive Tower Knight (1-2). On my way through level 1-2, I was challenged to pvp by another player and I actually killed him, which means I'm either getting better at the game, or, more likely, he was a total newb, I mean noobier than me. (Word of the day: Noobier!)

I was also browsing various blogging sites, where I thought I might sign up and get some writing done. I guess the big three are Blogger, Wordpress and Typepad. Out of those, wordpress seems the most feature filled. I'll definitely let you guys know if I get something going.

Soo Ive noticed that a lot of people are depressed, in general. John pops anti depressant pills like they're skittles. =P. My old roomie was on four different anti depressants, and he was still depressed! With all those meds, he shoulda been like Mister Rogers (on acid =P), aka Richard Simmons. You know psychologists say that more people get depressed during winter than any other season? It makes sense, I mean, after Christmas, taking back all those fugly sweaters and argyle socks is pretty sad. =P

They say the best way to fight depression is lots of Vitamin D, and trying to laugh. I like to think I help out, at least a little, you know, by telling you about the Vitamin D, (cause you'll find no laughs here =P). On a completely unrelated subject, Andy Rooney just turned 91. They were in talks to do a movie based on his life, but found out it had already been made. Its called The Ten Commandments. =P

Old School Word of the Day:

magazine: its kind of like a blog, only more paper-y.

Tune in tomorrow for my Mass Effect 2 launch blog featuring almost nothing about Mass Effect 2!