Did the editor really make edits to capitalise "Black"?
...I thought before posting this, I should actually read up on it & apparently it's a thing. As of like, last year. I'm not upset about it or anything, but it does look weird to so heavily edit a tweet with all those brackets.
@kumatenshi: Ebay is a big business & a storefront for a lot of other sellers, but that does not make it censorship. Look at any definition & you'll generally find that it's only governments that can actually censor things. If those sellers go to another platform, they can still sell their AO games, so the material hasn't been censored.
If other businesses do the same, then the effect is largely the same as censorship, but it is still not literally censorship. Unless by literally, you mean figuratively.
@Dushva: I'm actually more keen on it, knowing that it can be completed in a weekend. Too many games outstay their welcome & feel like a chore to grind through.
Especially now that there are more sub-based services like Game Pass, I hope more short games start getting released. You're right that it's hard to justify full purchase price on a short game, but I think they bring real value to subscription services. I'm sick of every game trying to be the next never-ending, open world, games-as-a-service micro-transaction laden lifepath.
@lonesamurai00: You underestimate how many PC gamers there are.
Also, I'm sure there are plenty of parents out there who build themselves a sick gaming rig & still let their kids play a couple of games on it. That's certainly how I got started.
I'm of the opinion that they should have dropped the AC moniker long ago, but I guess that's never going to happen. Black Flag would have been a better pirate game if it wasn't for all the assassin stuff. I like stealth games, I just don't like when they're hamfistededly smashed together with action games. In recent years, they've basically gone full action-based RPG anyway, although they've still held on to the outside-the-Animus story that nobody's cared about since Revelation.
Personally, I'd like to see the next AC games become smaller. Odyssey took me over a year to finish; it was just too much game. I burned out. I picked it up again. I burned out again. I picked it up again. I played Valhalla through all at once, but that was still really too long. I think a smaller, more concentrated open world would be a better experience. Maybe another game based in a single city would be a nice break in the formula we've had for the last three titles.
What I'd really like to see is an AC game that's only 40-50 hours, including all the side missions. When these games span over 100 hours, it really stretches the game too thin. You end up seeing forts copy-pasted all over the place & the asset repetition becomes very obvious. More importantly, the game loop just becomes too repetitive. If people love the game & want more, throw in some story choices & give them a reason to play through a second time. For the rest of us, just give us a game we'll want to complete once. Focus on quality, not quantity.
@deth420: Yeah, you're getting a little history lesson in there about Russian communism or something. It's pretty bleak.
I like that it asks you to make some really hard decisions & decide what lengths you are willing to go to for survival. If you like games with a more hopeful outlook, it's probably not for you.
CDPR really needs to save their reputation. If they don't fix this game, they aren't exactly going to get a tonne of pre-orders top help fund the next one.
I enjoyed Cyberpunk & didn't have too bad a time with bugs, but there are a lot of systems that could do with polish. The Witcher 3 took a year to redo its inventory system, so I don't expect changes to happen quickly. I'm looking forward to a second play through, but I think I'll have to wait a while.
@zander80: I'm down with modding & letting people play the game however they want. However, I also value good game design. If they balance the game so that it encourages boring playstyles, many players will burn out on the game quickly & move on to the next thing. I want to see the devs support the game with expansions in the future, so I am in favour of a well balanced game that encourages people to keep playing.
It's not my business how you want to play, but my opinion counts as much as anybody else's. If the majority of players love bullet builds, then I'll bow to democracy, but I have a feeling that it may be a vocal minority.
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