bcrich959's forum posts
[QUOTE="p2rus"][QUOTE="MadExponent"][QUOTE="p2rus"]yeah but how would they get more money? remember we live in a capitalist country, those corporations arent going to raise the minimum wage unless mandated to by the govt. idk, it just seems that the guy who earns 500 a weekand spends 400 of it on food and rent, ect gets screwed while the millionare with millions in the bank earning interest spends 500 or 600 a week on food or something.MadExponent
It should not have a negative effect on anyone. This plan ensures that noone can manipulate the system for financial gain or to buy votes. This takes power away from our politicians and puts the power in the hands of the people. It really is the best economic plan ever conceived. Ask any objective economist and they will agree. The only ones that are against the Fair Tax are the ones who could lose their jobs as a result of it passing. All of which are counter-productive to our nations growth so the hell with them.
ok i went to the site but it seems much easier to do a scaled income tax? i dont think thats what its really called. but if you make a whole lot you should be taxed subtstantially more than you are now.
it just seems that the rich guy who hoards his money comes out ahead if he goes to japan or china or england or canada and buys goods there.
They would have to pay to have those goods imported. It wouldn't make sense for them to do that when they could do it cheaper here.
Also don't forget that all those rich fat cats that buy cars, boats, planes, vacation homes and whatnot also usually write some if not all of them off as a business expense with our current tax system and it's flawed loop holes. Where as with the Fair Tax system they would have to pay taxes for those items. So in theory the rich might make more, but for the most part they also spend more.
[QUOTE="bcrich959"]I don't think he read into it good enough or he would have seen that basic necessities are not taxed and people that buy anything used don't repay sales tax on it. Most poor to middle****buy pre owned vehicles and homes. So that would actually benefit them.Jandurinpre-owned vehicles and homes would still be taxed. because they need to be registered and such. Not sales taxed though.
[QUOTE="Lazy_Boy88"][QUOTE="MadExponent"][QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="MadExponent"]This $600 rebate is so damn silly. $600 is nothing. The only thing this is going to do is basically cancel out the additional taxes I had to pay this year. This is like trying to drain the Atlantic Ocean with a teaspoon. If they want to fix the U.S. economy they need to pass the Fair Tax. That is literally the only thing that can save the U.S. economy at this point. Pfft...MadExponent
You mean the one that says, if you are single and make over $75K, you are considered "rich" and pay more tax? $125k for couples? This is the one Obama is talking about.
Read that and be informed. The Fair Tax is not a partisan tax reform plan. It honestly is the only thing that can turn things around for the US and make it so that we can enjoy economic prosperity going forward. Under the current system we are pretty much screwed. That coupled with the fact that Social Security is going to completely dry up soon makes the Fair Tax not only a priority, but makes also means that if the Fair Tax is not passed soon it could be too late.
Wow that sounds like a terrible idea. It would put most of the burden on the base lower to middle clas consumers and give free reign for the wealthy to accululate more and more wealth while giving nothing back. All we really need is tariffs and a vast reform of the system. Plus there should probably be no income tax whatsoever until you make over 100k a year.
What in the hell? I know you just didn't read about the bill and come to THAT conclusion. There is literally no way you could come away from reading about the Fair Tax and say that. ROFL.
I don't think he read into it good enough or he would have seen that basic necessities are not taxed and people that buy anything used don't repay sales tax on it. Most poor to middle clas buy pre-owned vehicles and homes. So that would actually benefit them.
[QUOTE="MadExponent"][QUOTE="Erkidu"][QUOTE="Jandurin"]It's actually a non-partisan group called Americans for Fair Taxation. However, most of its support is on the conservative side - including Neal Boortz and Georgia Congressman John Linder. Ah, another huge advantage I forgot to mention... The 12 million illegal aliens in the US? They'd be paying taxes as well. The US economy would explode if it were passed.Who's behind Fair Tax?
Yep the Fair Tax would be unbelievable. I mean holy crap. I get overly excited just thinking about where we could go with this. I get excited thinking about the possibilities. Honestly people should be screaming it from their rooftops. The Fair Tax is the future no ifs ands or buts about it.
Just want to point out that those 12 million illegal aliens are already paying taxes... They are subject to sales taxes and withholding just like the rest of us. They just don't get refunded... period...
I'm confused. How are they getting taxed on withholdings when most of them are paid in cash and don't report the income? This is at least how I see them being paid in my area. They are not on any sort of reported payroll around here.
[QUOTE="Jandurin"]It's actually a non-partisan group called Americans for Fair Taxation. However, most of its support is on the conservative side - including Neal Boortz and Georgia Congressman John Linder. Ah, another huge advantage I forgot to mention... The 12 million illegal aliens in the US? They'd be paying taxes as well. The US economy would explode if it were passed.Who's behind Fair Tax?
True and anyone else that is paid under the counter for work. People making tips not reported, drug dealers, prostitutes, ect... It would also take out some of the people that actually cheat the welfare system and buy items that they shouldn't with the money they are getting.
[QUOTE="rimnet00"][QUOTE="MadExponent"]This $600 rebate is so damn silly. $600 is nothing. The only thing this is going to do is basically cancel out the additional taxes I had to pay this year. This is like trying to drain the Atlantic Ocean with a teaspoon. If they want to fix the U.S. economy they need to pass the Fair Tax. That is literally the only thing that can save the U.S. economy at this point. Pfft...Erkidu
You mean the one that says, if you are single and make over $75K, you are considered "rich" and pay more tax? $125k for couples? This is the one Obama is talking about.
That's not the FairTax at all. :| The FairTax plan involves getting rid of income taxes, business taxes, death taxes, inheritance taxes, etc. The only tax would be a sales tax. The reason that goods cost as much as they do - is because businesses have to profit off of what they sell, obviously. Thus, the abolition of certain business taxes would inherently lower the price of goods, due to competition, and the higher sales tax would bring it back up to where it is now. Thus, everyone would have more buying power. If you want to save up your money for a large investment - you won't be taxed until you actually make that purchase. Inherently, wealthier people would pay more taxes - because they obviously buy more things. It's brilliant. Everybody should really read the FairTax book and go to the website.Agreed, I've supported it since day one. It would also help bring back jobs that we are currently losing overseas partially due to our current tax system. Sadly I don't see it ever passing, because the government would lose too much control over us.
[QUOTE="MCGSMB"][QUOTE="omgimba"]It's EA. Multiplatform Confirmed!!!!![QUOTE="JayPee89"][QUOTE="Giancar"]hopefully Ps3 gets this toobeast667
Its EA, quality below bioware standards confirmed!!!!
Kotor 2 was worse than Kotor 1. Just imagine how much worse this one is going to be than Kotor 2 because of EA.
Kotor 2 was NOT Bioware. That was Obsidians doing. Kotor 2 was good, but it was too glitchy and the ending sucked.I actually like Kotor 2 over the first one. The story wasn't as good, but I liked how you could level up higher in it over the cap that the first one had.
As if the 360 is manafactured in the United States. lulz.rimnet00
Word, it has a big old made in China sticker on it. :lol: I'm going to use mine to pay off some bills not add to them.
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