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#1 bekkilyn
Member since 2009 • 72 Posts
So we can redownload them as many times as we want? That would work then, well, at least until all the cable/DSL companies get their way and start capping internet usage and charging by the GB. They are currently fighting tooth and nail to make this happen, so I wouldn't want to depend on unlimited internet usage for the future. Would it be possible (theoretically) to keep the games on multiple hard drives?
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#2 bekkilyn
Member since 2009 • 72 Posts

Do college or high school softball players make a living out of playing softball?BladesOfAthena

No, they don't, and so their interest and participation in sports is a hobby for them. They are just more serious about their hobbies than someone who casually collects butterflies (as opposed to someone who collects rare butterflies and enters their collections into science fairs and such.)

Being serious or devoted about a hobby is entirely different from being serious or devoted to a sport. Your level of involvement in a sport implies that ultimately, your only goal in mind is to dominate your opponent. In a hobby, there is no such thing, otherwise there'd be sport competitions in fixing cars, building computers, or collecting stamps. Sure, there's a degree of improving one's skill involved, but its not done solely for the purpose of one-upping somebody else.


Actually, people compete within their hobbies all the time. Someone who has a gardening hobby may enter competitions in order to see who grew the best roses, or who has the most historically accurate specialty garden. My father loved bass fishing and would regularly enter bass competitions. He bought the boat, had the memberships, collected all kinds of stuff related to bass fishing, but it was still his hobby. He was never a professional bass fisherman. I'm sure people who play high school or college sports have multiple reasons for playing them other than just one-upping someone else. Otherwise, they could just play rock-paper-scissors or something that doesn't take up as much time. I suppose another word that could be used for someone who participates non-professionally in a given activity (i.e. hobby) would be "amateur".

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#3 bekkilyn
Member since 2009 • 72 Posts

Has it actually happened to anyone? I was looking at all of those games that can be downloaded through xlive and started wondering what would happen if someone downloaded so many that the HD actually filled up. Could you just buy a second hard drive and switch them back and forth? Or would you actually have to get a second xbox?

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#4 bekkilyn
Member since 2009 • 72 Posts
Are either of these games actually any good? Well, I'm in no way even remotely interested in the Hair Salon game no matter how good it may be, but System Flaw doesn't even have any Amazon ratings or comments, though the game is showing as "in stock". Very odd. Just from looking at the covers (never judge a game by its cover?), they both look like camera gimmicks. :) Neither jump out at me as reasons to exclaim, "OMG!!! I must go buy a DSi right now so I can play these games!!!" I think that's what the DSi needs to get people to want to upgrade from the DS. Still, if System Flaw turns out to be a great game, I might put it on my wish list.
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#5 bekkilyn
Member since 2009 • 72 Posts
I got tired of sitting around bored waiting on car maintenance appointments, or anywhere else where I'd have to sit around doing nothing while waiting. I'm not always in the mood to read because of too many distractions. I kept seeing things about the DSi through the Nintendo Channel on my Wii, and I also thought it would be nice to have a portable Animal Crossing game. I cannot be more than pleased with my DSi.
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#6 bekkilyn
Member since 2009 • 72 Posts
If you don't already have a DS or a DSi, then I'd suggest you just go ahead and get the DSi. The additional features aren't extremely useful right now, unless you need a camera or portable music player, but you can download DSiWare and supposedly more DSi exclusives will be released in future months. If this is a system you plan to keep for a while and you don't need the GBA slot, then get the DSi and be prepared for whatever may be released in the future. It also has a slightly bigger screen but keeps the small, portable size. (If you want a much larger size, then wait for the DSi XL.) Much better than getting the DS and then finding out 6 months from now that you should have gotten the DSi in order to play _____ . I really love mine, though if I'd already had a DS, I probably wouldn't have upgraded yet. Unless of course Nintendo comes out with another system that makes having a DS or a DSi useless. :)
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#7 bekkilyn
Member since 2009 • 72 Posts
I've been slightly interested in maybe a couple or three of the DSiware games currently available. I'm also hoping for some more real games, games that might give me some incentive to buy DSi points over buying other games on my wish lists. Right now, if I bought points I'd be far more inclined to use them for my Wii.
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#8 bekkilyn
Member since 2009 • 72 Posts
Flipnote isn't really a game though, right? It's just a program to make animations to share with other people who might like them? I spent all of about 10 minutes on it before I lost interest and started up a "real" game, a game that also can be played on the regular DS. In fact, all of the games I play right now on my DSi can be played exactly the same on the DS. The downloadables have potential, but most of the games that can be downloaded would work just as well on the DS if the DS had the capability of downloading them. I do like the sound of the DSi only RPG due out in January though. Hopefully, it's not just another "camera game" pretending to be an RPG. :)
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#9 bekkilyn
Member since 2009 • 72 Posts
I've known so many female gamers that I seriously think that the "lack of girl gamers" is a myth. Even so, the Wii does seem to have a more family-friendly perception and appears less intimidating to those who are new to gaming, whether they be male or female. I don't buy in to the "girl game" vs. "boy game" thing though. Both genders appreciate quality games regardless of the genre or gaming system and the games that are "designed for girls" usually tend to be marketing trash. Doesn't mean that there aren't people who enjoy them, but those games still aren't going to have the widespread appeal, quality, and longevity of games such as Animal Crossing, Mario, Final Fantasy, etc.
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#10 bekkilyn
Member since 2009 • 72 Posts
I like the black. It matches everything. For a second DSi, I'd probably get the pink for some variety. If they came in purple though, it would be my number one choice regardless.