bekkilyn's forum posts
Do college or high school softball players make a living out of playing softball?BladesOfAthena
No, they don't, and so their interest and participation in sports is a hobby for them. They are just more serious about their hobbies than someone who casually collects butterflies (as opposed to someone who collects rare butterflies and enters their collections into science fairs and such.)
Actually, people compete within their hobbies all the time. Someone who has a gardening hobby may enter competitions in order to see who grew the best roses, or who has the most historically accurate specialty garden. My father loved bass fishing and would regularly enter bass competitions. He bought the boat, had the memberships, collected all kinds of stuff related to bass fishing, but it was still his hobby. He was never a professional bass fisherman. I'm sure people who play high school or college sports have multiple reasons for playing them other than just one-upping someone else. Otherwise, they could just play rock-paper-scissors or something that doesn't take up as much time. I suppose another word that could be used for someone who participates non-professionally in a given activity (i.e. hobby) would be "amateur".Being serious or devoted about a hobby is entirely different from being serious or devoted to a sport. Your level of involvement in a sport implies that ultimately, your only goal in mind is to dominate your opponent. In a hobby, there is no such thing, otherwise there'd be sport competitions in fixing cars, building computers, or collecting stamps. Sure, there's a degree of improving one's skill involved, but its not done solely for the purpose of one-upping somebody else.
Has it actually happened to anyone? I was looking at all of those games that can be downloaded through xlive and started wondering what would happen if someone downloaded so many that the HD actually filled up. Could you just buy a second hard drive and switch them back and forth? Or would you actually have to get a second xbox?
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