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#1 bekkilyn
Member since 2009 • 72 Posts
Anything that is directly connected through your wireless router (laptop, Wii, DSi, xbox, etc.) would need to be reconfigured. Anything else should not need any adjustments. If your printer is connected with a cable to one of your computers, then it should be fine. If your printer is wireless and goes through your router, then it may need to be reconfigured. I don't know for sure though because I've never owned a wireless printer and don't know exactly how these are configured.
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#2 bekkilyn
Member since 2009 • 72 Posts
The default IP for your router should be Type this IP into your web browser and the computer that is set up with your router and it should pull up the page where you can change all your router network settings. You will need to know your userid/password that you should have set up when you set up the router. If someone else set it up, you will need to get the setup info from that person. Once you get in though, it's just a matter of changing WPA to WEP and generating a new passcode. You'll need to use this new passcode for everything that uses the wireless router. You don't have to physically reconnect anything, but just change your settings on the DSi and Wii to the new passcode. If you still have problems and have tried going through the links that SiK99 posted above, you can call Nintendo customer support and they will help walk you through the process.
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#3 bekkilyn
Member since 2009 • 72 Posts
Good grief! I had hoped that it was just a weird typo! Well, at least you got a couple of games in that deal to take away at least some of the pain.
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#4 bekkilyn
Member since 2009 • 72 Posts
I'm playing single-player campaign MW2 on 360 and The World Ends with You on DSi.
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#5 bekkilyn
Member since 2009 • 72 Posts
$245??? Anyway, your DS originals are far more valuable than a single DSi. Plus, there's really not much more that a DSi can do that you can't already do with one of your DS's.
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#6 bekkilyn
Member since 2009 • 72 Posts
Have you tried going into your router settings and changing them from WPA to WEP as mentioned by a couple of people above? I'm betting that's your problem. I had my Wii before getting a DSi and had the exact same problem as you. Wii worked fine, but DSi wouldn't connect. I also have the same router. I'm willing to bet that changing this setting is all you would need to do to get your DSi to connect. Keep in mind though that once you do change from WPA to WEP, you will get a new passkey, so you will need to go back into your Wii and anything else that uses the router and change those settings to WEP and the new passkey too. Both my Wii and DSi (and Roku box) are all working just fine now.
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#7 bekkilyn
Member since 2009 • 72 Posts
I have a black DSi and I'm looking at it right now to see if there are fingerprints and I don't see any visible ones. It looks the same as when I first bought it a few weeks ago. I think the black DS did have fingerprint issues though. The white DSi probably would show dirt a lot more, but if you take good care of it and wash your hands before playing with it, then you could probably keep it as clean as new. I'd get the color that you really, really want. If only they came in purple....
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#8 bekkilyn
Member since 2009 • 72 Posts
I think the problem with some of the "meaningless" achievements isn't because an achievement system was implemented, but instead because some developers do not know or care how to implement good achievements. If a developer makes the achievements part of the game, then just adding in a bit of additional code to post it to gamerscore (or whatever) probably wouldn't be that big of a deal. For example, suppose you kill the big kahoona of scene 2 and solve the puzzle that unlocks the super-shiny widget weapon that you could use and upgrade for the rest of the game, then unlocking that item can be an achievement both in-game and to the public gameboard. Just because a lot of developers just throw in stuff like "beat this meaningless mini-game 50,000 times" doesn't mean that it is the achievement system's fault. Those developers just aren't making their achievements fun parts of their game. Someone mentioned achievements for Wii Fit would be silly, but actually I think Wii Fit would be a perfect game for achievements. The game itself has a lot of activities to unlock and many of those activities are scored. Some achievements could be "unlock everything in the game" or "get such and such score in super hula hoop". The achievements are already existing in the game, so just making some of them public could be a minor addition. It would probably be pointless to add such a system to the current Wii and current online functions. Is it necessary? Nope. They don't matter much to me either way. If they were there, I'd probably have fun with them and so wouldn't be against them, but I'm still enjoying my Wii even without them.