The eagle-eyed members of NeoGAF have struck again; Uncharted: Fight for Fortune has also received classification in Brazil, where it was classed as a "casino/card game" and listed for the PlayStation Vita. Original story and information follows.That is from IGN. Its not a game like the others
If it has been handed over, I'm not happy, and won't be interested in the game anymore. Uncharted 1,2,3 were amazing, but just like Crash Bandicoot; after they passed it over, it went down the pan.I only respect a game if its made by the official developers of the franchise to be honest.
@Joshua2222 @Jag-T1000 I'm personally looking forward to the Surface Pro tablet. Hopefully people will realise you can have the best of both worlds, because and this is the clincher, it will support existing Windows programs (yes, all of them), and the tablet only ones in the standard Surface. That in my eyes is the winner by all accounts.
@samurai123666 @csward I actually mentioned in my comment that if it can power games at 1080p natively then it is effectively better than the Xbox 360/PS3 anyway since they have to upscale a lot of the time. Where in my comment did I mention it wasn't better than? It's obvious the tech will be more advanced; At least in terms of revisions of such parts. The rumoured 6000 series of GPU's for example beats the hell out of the older style GPU's in the Xbox 360/PS3.As for the next gen consoles, it could be true, though I think the processors will be of much higher spec, and as the cell has shown, the processor is important for games too. Microsoft and Sony already probably have units that match what the xbox 720/PS4 will have, and in terms of price, the 6000 series in terms of GPU is probably also what they have in mind, but who knows?In my opinion, they will really have to throw the gauntlet, even if it is slightly more expensive in the end
@JJB03 Oh, sorry, no, by my comment, I meant the RPG experience. I avoid all games like that... I don't like the freedom. Even though Half life 1/2 seems open, it isn't, and that is what I prefer in a game. Really dissapointed if this proves to be true. I'd simply get bored (I know, I know, with more choice, I shouldn't, but I do)
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