So update on my crappy life.
Today is the 2 year anniversary of my almost death. My appendix burst, and I was rushed into surgery. Scariest thing was I couldn't contact my boyfriend at the time. He didn't have a cell phone and it was a horrible feeling. I keep replaying the memory in my head. It's horrible.
Okay so the friend's boyfriend/ex story. This has gotten quite interesting. I saw him everyday last weekend. We had so much fun. He decided to tell his ex that we talked and that we made out. that is all he told her.
I got a voicemail from her last night (my phone was dead, not that I would of answered it anyways). It said..."Hi, It's ***** (name censored), I wanted to know the things you haven't told me, call me back." She seemed pretty pissed.
I was waiting to talk to him before I said anything to her, I needed to know what he told her.
She called me at apx 8:09p. So I knew she was with him. I decided to wait until 11:30p to text him, because he still wasn't online. I texted him "Where are you?" and got a reply back of..."I will call you in a second, nothing is wrong love :)". He obviously knew I was nervous.
He calls me, I ask where he is...he is like "At Sonic with her." I don't know if they were together when he called or if he was in the bathroom or what not, but it freaked the crap out of me. I told him it was rude to be on the phone and to call me later.
He calls me about 30 min later and tells me she was pretty pissed, but she is fine now. Just leave it be. And he is confused (what else is knew).
He apologises to me for getting me messed up in this.
I check my facebook in the morning, the girl deleted me, she also deleted me from twitter. I texted him "thanks she deleted me, so I lost two friends, you and her." I don't expect him to choose me over her, or want to talk to me. He says otherwise. I don't believe him.
He just called me up. He was on his way to his therapist appointment. So yeah I found out he has been taking unprescribed drugs to help his "depression" when I found out these drugs weren't for depression at all, but for seizures. And to top it off, he was taking like 5 at a time and having alcohol afterwards. He knows I hate drugs and drinking so he hasn't told me this "minor" detail. I was pretty upset with him. His therapist doesn't know this yet, which he said he is going to tell him today and hopefully he will prescribe him proper medicine.
He also mentioned how he doesn't want to lose me as a friend, but mentioned something about talking in 3 months, this should all be blown over. He said he wouldn't screw around with my head or heart. He has already done both. I keep telling him I don't believe him. How he isn't going to keep me in his life, because of her. Which I can live with, I just don't ever want to hear from him again at that point and want him to be honest with me, and straight out tell me.
I can live without her in my life. She pretty much used me anyways. She never wanted to hang out with me before I got my yorkie and stuff. And apparently she talks crap about me behind my back. I don't care. I don't care if he is out of my life either. I just don't want him to keep jerking me around.
He also said he is so messed up right now (I think he took too much medication) he can't think straight so don't ask him any confusing questions. I tried telling him how I felt about the whole situation, but I don't think he understood. Or was capable of understanding....which scares me. I wish I knew this vital information before hand. Huge factor!
On second thought, I am hopefully hanging out with an old flame this weekend. Going to Nightmare New England/Spooky World. If that happens and anything juicy comes up I will keep you detailed =)
I have more interesting things going on in my life, but I will save that for another blog post!
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