Looks like this game is going to sit on my shelf for a while, or eventually be sold. Kind of a shame because its actually a good game. If there was dlc, new game +, unlockable weapons and outfits, it would be a good game to hold on to and play more than once or twice. But now I just have a linear single player game that I've seen 100% of, and multiplayer that I'm not interested in. What a shame.
I just had to skip the walking dead part because I haven't played that game yet. I would say MGS4 had a pretty interesting ending when you think Snake was done but then a special guest shows up.
I just don't know where they could go with another game set in the same universe. Either they would have to do a prequel, or something that takes place during the same time as the rest of the series, either of which doesn't sound like it would be as good as the Mass Effect series that we have had up to now; or if they went to something that takes place after the events of ME3, I can't imagine how something like that would work considering what happened in the ending.
I've played all the Dead Space games, and while Dead Space 3 was certainly different in that it had more of an emphasis on action rather than suspense/horror, I still thought it was the best game in the series (I'm also a sucker for co-op). And while playing the game, at no time whatsoever did micro-transactions ruin my experience. I was able to fully enjoy and play the entire game, multiple times, without even noticing that I could, or had to, purchase micro-transactions to add to the experience. So even though I was aware of the game having micro-transactions before I played the game, while playing I was oblivious to the presence of micro-transactions, wherever they were. I guess one would have to actively seek them out if they were interested, otherwise it seemed like it wasn't something present in the game.
How is the re-playability? I really want the play this game, but the purchasing factor is if there's enough content (new game +, unlockable weapons/outfits?) to make me want to play it more than once.
I think what I like the most is the Nintendo TV, I love the idea of having Netflix, Hulu etc all integrated together, and the functionality of the gamepad while watching shows and movies. On another note, I had to laugh at Activision's lineup.
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