That's one of the things that annoyed me about the movie. I mean, actually getting to watch real live dinosaurs would be awesome. I mean, for many people, merely fishing and hunting are almost like religious experiences. It's the same reason why people risk getting eaten by crocodiles for the chance to photograph lions, while sailors love the sea, and why everyone likes nature documentaries.
So science brings back some of the most magnificent creatures ever, we get a chance to marvel and awe at them, and to study and to learn from them, and then the movie has to say "DAMN YOU, SCIENCE!" and make the whole "message" of the movie that we should just leave **** alone.
Jurassic Park had a horrible anti-science angle going on. Which was made even more frustrating by the fact that every single thing that went wrong in the movie was solely due to John Hammond's piss-poor management.
Hey, I'm sure that the San Diego Zoo would result in death, disaster, and people getting eaten if it were run by Forrest Gump. But if that were to happen, that wouldn't exactly mean that there's anything wrong with zoos.
It was anti-genetics, for sure.
But if you go back and look at it, the park and dinosaurs were fine. In the end it was human greed and human error that caused the problems, not the science behind it.
I believe he actually states something to this effect towards the end as well, that he was going to try again, but this time not put so much faith in electronics and automated systems. Probably wouldn't have helped anyway since there's always that one greedy guy who will eventually ruin everything.
Besides, without the whole dinosaurs running amok angle, how interesting would the movie have actually been? :P
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