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Xbox 360 Bust

Well, it had to happen somtime, My 360 has finally packed in. Whilst the console still produces sound, theres no picture and the controller doesn't respond. I've had to send it to GT Electronics in Scotland to get it fixed. It should be back some time this week.

Really, as long as it comes back in time for the realese of the darkness, I don't mind :P

Also here's the web address for the company that's fixing my 360, in case you guys have some trouble with your leading platform ;)


I Have Returned!!!

Well, after roughly 10 months of me being offline, I have returned. Alot of stuffs happened, alot of newreleases, alot of events, and a hell of a lot of gaming. I'm going to try to get my account back up to date, and I'll try to review all my new games ( there's alot ;P)

It's good to be back!!!


Dead Rising And Just Cause

Sorry I havn't been on in a while but Iv'e been busy with School and the like. Anyway, I got dead rising and just cause for the 360, and whilst the former rocks, I cant help but be a little dissapointed with Just Cause...

Anyway, what do you guys think?


Lego Star wars II and Stuff

So, Iv'e nearly completed Saints Row, bought Lego Star Wars II and have a finished loft conversion!!!

God I hate fanboys, not only do you get completly flamed if you mention a console other than theirs, but now I get flamed because of my age!!! WTF!

Anyway, I was wondering, How old do you guys think I am?


Saints Row and a Loft Conversion.

Sorry I haven't been on in a while guys, but my house is in the middle of a loft conversion. But anyway, I got saints Row on the weekend and, I think, I think it's better than G.T.A.....

So, uh, oh, I got seasons one, two and three of Family Guy on DVD (funny as F*** by the way)  and DOA 4 for the X-360.


Amped 3 and USBS

I finally got amped 3 yesterday and it's cool (no pun intended). but the big news is that I discovered I can use my own pictures as X-360 Themes!  you know that spiderman 3 picture with him with the symbiote suit cining to a gothic style building? well I saved it off onto my P.C, then onto my USB, then I put my USB into my X-360 and bingo, it's my very own spidey theme!!!



Here it is, the first shot of Venom!!! Or at least, the soon to be Venom. Also the extended trailer has been released in this years comic-con and should be on the net pretty soon!


Dead Rising V.S Saints Row

I hate my 360, but not for reasons you may think. The problem is that there are too many quality games out or coming out for it, and just don't have the cash!!! At the moment, I can't decide whether to save up for Dead rising or Saints Row......what do you guys think?


Hitman: Blood Money

I got Hitman : Blood Money yesterday for £20 and it's awsome, easily the best stealth game to date, due to it's imagination and open-ended gameplay. For example, on one mission you are required to kill two opera actors, but it's so much more complex than it seems. I strangled a worker when he was taking a leak and took his clothes, I then placed a pistol into his toolbox and took it with me, to avoid it been picked up by the metal detectors. Then, I snuck into an actors dressing room and swapped his prop gun with my real one. After that I snuck into the atic and placed a bomb on the lights. Finally, I found a good view point to watch the ensuing chaos. The actor with the real gun shot the first actor and killed him, then the second actor ran up to help but triped, directley under the lights. All I had to do was push the button and the lights would blow up, fall and kill the second actor. You really had to see it to fully appreciate it.


4 For 20

So, on the weekend I got 4 games, for £20!!! I'm not sure what that would be like in America but in Ripoff Britain (lol) it's pretty good. Anyway, here are the games I bought:

1. Halo 2 (I already own it and Iv'e completed it but I lost it so I had to get it again lol)

2. pariah (what a load of crap)

3. Ninja gaiden (Good, but hard)

4. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (Better than Expected)
