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Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Im getting Oblivion for easter! I have decided enough's enough with easter eggs and junk so I'm getting this.

P.S I don't know how I'm getting a $60 game instead of a $5.00 egg either

I would like it if you left your opinions and tell me how your doing with the game (if you have it, duh!).


The greatest game in history

I've already done the worst games in history pole, and now the best. I vote for M.G.S: Snake Eater but it's up to you. Please, please state your favourite game here!!!

You can choose between:

1. MGS: Snake Eater

2. Resident Evil 4

3. GTA: San Andreas

4. Super Mario Bros

5. Halo 2

6. Space Invaders

7. God Of War

8. Devil May Cry 1, 2 or 3


Monster Hunter

I had been meaning to buy this for a while now, and so yesterday I did. I think Gamespots review is way to harsh by the way. I mean, any game were you can kill a dragon the size of a warehouse, make a sword and shield out of it's bones, and make armour of it's skin has to get at least 8.00. Oh, I also got Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, which is just crap. Expect a review for both soon.


God Of War ll: Divine Retribution

Oh god I hope this will be as good as the original. By the looks of the cover, Kratos is fighting his "brother" who was hinted at in one of the secret movies at the end of the original. Also, it seems they are riding on a giant eagle of somesort. I wonder if it will be rideable in game.


Spider-Man 3

After seeing this picture on the internet my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. People say it may be childish to get so exited about this but I love the Spider-Man movies!


The PS3 Will Fall.

    Now, before I start, I'm not particularly biased against the PS3 or any other console for that matter. This is my opinion and I may be totally wrong.

    First of all, the price. Now I know there are people out there who will pay anything to get there hands on one, but lets be serious. Can you really see parents paying out around $500 for one, Especially if they already have an X-360?

    Secondly, the games. Admittedly, Playstation have some good game licences. However, as with the Playstation 2 half of these licences will also have X-360 versions. In my opinion, Sony's biggest downfall was releasing the G.T.A series on x-box. The x-box however, has Halo, all the good Star Wars licences and all the new X-360 titles.

    Finally, X-Live. It already has a ever-expanding live community, and rumurs have been spreading that the PS3 won't have any online features. Thanks for reminding me Billnye69.

    Now, I'm not arrogant enough to forget about the Revolution, but I can't really comment on it because Nintendo are being so hush-hush about it.

    Please comment as I would like to hear all your views.



This game will be awsome. It has all the style of Vice City, the gameplay of The Godfarther, and the action of The Punisher. In my opinion, it's gonna leave The Godfarther in it's wake.  


I love my i-Pod!

Next to my game consoles and my computer this is the greatest item in my possesion. I have my entire music collection on it and it still has room for 250 songs! Also, it has so many features like games and custom playlists it's a must have piece of kit.


I Got Black!

I have been waiting for this game to come out for ages and now it's mine! For some reason however, I cannot write a review for it. It may have something to do with it not bieng released in America yet. Is this true?



I was so wrapped up in the release of the 360 and christmas I completely forgot about the gizmondo.

It looks good and all but I think it's gonna be a flop compared to the DS and the PSP.
