Now, before I start, I'm not particularly biased against the PS3 or any other console for that matter. This is my opinion and I may be totally wrong.
First of all, the price. Now I know there are people out there who will pay anything to get there hands on one, but lets be serious. Can you really see parents paying out around $500 for one, Especially if they already have an X-360?
Secondly, the games. Admittedly, Playstation have some good game licences. However, as with the Playstation 2 half of these licences will also have X-360 versions. In my opinion, Sony's biggest downfall was releasing the G.T.A series on x-box. The x-box however, has Halo, all the good Star Wars licences and all the new X-360 titles.
Finally, X-Live. It already has a ever-expanding live community, and rumurs have been spreading that the PS3 won't have any online features. Thanks for reminding me Billnye69.
Now, I'm not arrogant enough to forget about the Revolution, but I can't really comment on it because Nintendo are being so hush-hush about it.

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