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crypto-236 Blog

Birthday outcome

In the end, I didn't get the games I wanted in the first place, but I did get these.

1.mgs: snake eater

2.Battlefield 2: modern combat

3.Star-wars battlefront 2

4.Kameo: elements of power

I also got two halo figures, master chief and an o.d.s.t trooper.


Set 1!!!

Finally, I have moved up to set 1 in my english class in my school. I am now in top class in every lesson!

Birthday games.

As you probably already know, its my birthday on wednesday, and these are the games i'm hoping to get.

1.Battlefield 2: modern combat

2.mgs: snake eater

3.The warriors

4.Harry potter and the goblet of fire

Im back.........

Ah, its good to be home, and what a welcome! 23 messages awaited me and a new award.

Oh, by the way, I went to the previously unspellable tenerife.

It looks so simple when its written down....



I will be away for a week from tomorrow (Friday) because I am going on holiday! I would tell you were but I cant spell it.


Join us!!!

I, crypto-236, has created the x-360 union. If you wish to apply leave a reply and I will get back to you.

The votes

These are the votes so far for the worst games in history chart. Remember, if you wish to submit a game, leave a comment stating the name and position of the game.

1. M.I.B 2: Alien escape

2. Supercar street challenge

3. (vacant)

4. (vacant)

5. (vacant)


Worst games in history chart.

I, crypto-236 am about to begin the worst games in history chart! If you wish to comment send me a message designating the game title and its position.

1. Like hanging your didles in a mincer.

2.Not a game, a device of torture.

3.All copies must be burned.

4.What a pile of crap.

5.Steer well clear.