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crypto-236 Blog

King kong - 11/10

This is the first of my soon to be regular movie reviews.

The remake of this film adds another classic blockbuster to Peter Jacksons movies.

It has great fight scenes and the computer generated Kong is as realistic as gollum (The lord of the rings), probably because its the same bloke (can't remember his name) that did gollum.

P.s - The end scene where Kong falls of the empire state building brought a slight tear to my eye, to be more accurate, rivers were flowing down my cheeks. 


Im dreading christmas

My christmas list is crammed full of games and im dreading the time when for me to write a review for all of them!

I havent even scrached the surface of the games I own now!!!


Yay king kong!!!

Finally, im going to see king kong in treforest tomorrow.

I hope its good as Im a big fan of Peter Jackson's movies.


Its true. volvo are making a game!

I first heard the rumour on gamer-tv, but its true, a volvo game.

Now I bet your thinking "thats not so bad" well, thats not all.

Volvo have claimed this game is going to based on "safe driving".  

I know....Its going to be crap.


Alien invasion?

I was wathching the news last night and I heard several farms in north wales water supply had been infected with cryptosporidium!

  Now is it me, or isnt that the name of the main character in destroy all humans?

Could this be the first move in an intergalactic alien invasion?


  crypto-236   (Oh god, Im named after it!)

movie + doom = crap

I just saw the new doom movie and what a pile of  S%$£.

They have had about 15-20 years to make it and they still made it terrible.


xbox-360 games delayed

l am shoked to see the amount of xbox-360 games that gave been delayed. they were the games that l really wanted, like: 1.dead rising 2.elder scrolls: oblivion 3.full auto 4.ghost recon:advanced warfighter 5.frame city killer like l said, shoked.

worst games in history

I, crypto-236 am about to begin the worst games in histoy chart! e-mail me at and state your designated game and position it belongs in. 1."like hanging your diddles in a minser" 2."not a game, a device of torture" 3."all copies must be burnt" 4."not if you paid me" 5."not worth your hard earned cash" yours, crypto-236