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My First Blog In Two Months!!!

Sorry I haven't been on in a while, what with essays and all.... Anyway, in the world of games, I recentley bought Far Cry Instincts: predator for the X-360, and it's pretty good (read the review if your interested.) Even more recently, I bought Batman Begins for £3.00!!!

So, all in all, nothing much new....oh yeah my essays, I think I did pretty well so..........YAY!!!



My Random quiz

Copy and paste this to take a quiz all about me. (Go on, you know you want to.)


Stupid Fanboys......

I'm getting so sick of fu***** fanboys clogging up all the forums that don't include their precious console. Whilst I support the X-360, I in no way consider myself a fanboy as I have nothing against other consoles (hell, I'm even getting a Wii for Christmas.) The only reason I dislike the PS3 is because I've logicaly weighed up all it's aspects (price, games, graphics, etc) and I don't like it. Anyway, I don't wanna start a console war here, so I'll shut up.

Please leave your views on fanboys and the current console war as I'd appreciate reading your views.


Better Than Ever!!!

Well, I bought Lara Croft: Legend today and it's sweet. I can't believe the scores it has been getting, it deserves at least 9.

Oh well, I just guess some people don't appreciate a good game.


The Best E3 Yet.

My Favourite E3 Things:

1. The Wii: I'm getting one for Christmas!!!

2. Halo 3: Mighty fine!!!

3.Fable 2: Guns!!!

4. New PS3 Controller: Better than the ****ing boomerang!!!

5. Gears Of War: Another reason to get an X-360!

6. God Of War 2: Looking better than the original!

7. The Rest: New Indiana Jones, more Metal Gear Solid 4 footage, S.S.B Brawl and, um, Halo 3!!!

Sadly, Killzone 2 was a no-show this year. Looks like we'll have to put up with that damn trailer for even longer...

Please leave comments on what your E3 highlights were.


The Nintendo Wii?

As you may know, Nintendo have very recently renamed their new upcoming console, the Revolution, to the Nintendo Wii. Is it me, or is this the most ridiculous name Nintendo could of come up with? Personally, I think Nintendo are taking the word "Innovation" a bit to far. I mean, first the controller, now this.


Weapons Of Oblivion (Read!!!)

I've been playing oblivion for thirty hours now, and I'm curious about what weapons you guys are using?

P.S I'm using an enchanted fine steel longsword called Night-Bane.


Oblivion Union

I was wondering, if I made a Oblivion union, how many of you would join?

P.S Expect a review of it soon, it's awsome!!!


Theme Tune

I was just wondering (as I do) that if you guys could have a theme-tune, what would it be?

Mine would have to be Of Wolf And Man, by Metallica.
