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crypto-236 Blog

DS Lite

On the topic of new consoles, I've found som pics of the Nintendos new take on the DS.

Apart from the looks and size, Nintendo haven't said any other changes.


I got the flu.

I may not be on gamespot for a while because I have caught the flu off somebody in school. Speaking of school, I'll probably have a few days off. The system works!


Parallel lines

I must say the new Driver game looks awsome. Also, they've got rid of the crappy on foot sections from Driver 3.


The worst game in history chart! (Again)

I, crypto-236 am about to begin the worst games in histoy chart!

E-mail me at and state your designated game and position it belongs in, or just leave a comment or two.

1."like hanging your diddlies in a minser"

2."not a game, a device of torture"

3."all copies must be burned"

4."not if you paid me"

5."not worth your hard earned cash"

I know this is the third time i've tried to do this chart but what the hell!

P.S Why the hell has my text turned orange!?


G-8155 Interceptor

Here it is, my dream car. It has everything from machine guns and mines to heat seeking missiles. It can even turn into a boat, snowmobile and a motorbike!

Oh, it's incredibly good looking as well.


Twin snakes

Lately, you would be right to think I'm addicted to metal gear solid. I have just discovered another game, m.g.s: twin snakes. I'm in two minds about buying it so could anybody leave me a comment or two stating the opinions on the game.

In case you haven't noticed I've just realised I can add pictures so I'm adding one to every blog now!


Grampa snake

 The metal gear series is slowly becoming my favourite series of games, so I decided to find some pictures for the fourth installment. I was devistaded.

Look at him! He's about one hundered years old. He even has a porn star moustache!

Konami better buckle up there ideas.


Snake eater

I just recently got mgs: snake eater for £10.00 and I just realised how under appreciated it is. Instantly it hit me as a classic and I think anybody who has played it will agree.

Feel free to leave your comments.
