To the uneducated people posting below who don't even know the first thing about Jobs and his life's contribution to the modern tech lifestyle you "take for granted" today - wake up! This guy was there at the start of the personal computing era along with Bill Gates and co. If all you ever bothered to learn about Jobs was by reading the sourpuss remarks of other uneducated haters you really need to do "yourself" a favour and do some learning.
There will be films about Gates and Jobs because these guys are pioneers and entrepreneurs in the field of personal computing. If you "personally" don't like their companies or their products that in now way de-values their contributions.
Show some respect... and while you're at it get a life too.
@rarson @Hvac0120 To say that Android has a larger market share than iOS is a redundant statement given that you're comparing a hardware specific OS (iOS) to a non hardware specific OS (Android). If it makes you sleep better at night carry that little chestnut around like it means something but you're not comparing apples with apples excuse the pun.
Android is the hussy of the portable device world - a OS that can be found on any brand that wants it. Its on nearly everything because it isn't hardware optimised to one particular set of products. The sheer inconsistency of Android OS performance between brands and devices is testament to this fact.
iOS can only be found on Apple Hardware. The two are always optimised for each other and the performance between said devices is much more consistent as a result.
Microsoft has the right idea bringing out their new smart phones running their own OS. You will only ever attain the best performance when the hardware and OS are specifically designed for each other.
@Danny_KickAzz @warhawk-geeby These new resolutions are already here... its just the trickle down effect that will take a couple of years. Once all TV's, monitors, touch screens etc are all the seamless PPI that resolution tech race is ended. All you do to push that as a selling feature is then additional enhancements like 3D or new surfaces like electronic paper. Really what we are witnessing is the end of screen based resolution race now that the human eye limitation has kicked in. In terms of phone screen tech Apple got there first with the retina display on their iPhone 4 release 2.5yrs ago. Everyone else may claim more pixels than a retina display now while playing catch up but the fact is more pixels beyond what is perceivable by the human eye (which is what retina display was all about) = a hollow / meaningless claim given that our limited human eyes can't make out any difference from this point onwards.
@Danny_KickAzz @warhawk-geeby Yes but what I was getting at is given the plateau in perceivable pixel resolution which is currently occuring... does that mean anything now or going in to the future? In 2 or 3 years time when every phone has a screen with a PPI which is so high that it matters not to the human eye what would be the point of marketing that as a selling feature? To hold PPI up as a selling factor at this late stage in proceedings is neither here nor there. It is almost inconsequential.
@Danny_KickAzz @warhawk-geeby If it helps you sleep better at night buddy ;) Screen resolution for all media will within the next few years reach a maximum threshold. After that it becomes about improving the definition and quality of the content shown on those amazing screens. Just out of curiosity... if another phone came out claiming higher pixel content than the Lumia but to the human eye those extra pixels may as well be invisible / not noticeable is that a worthy "added bonus"? :P lol
@Danny_KickAzz @warhawk-geeby If you tried hard enough bro you'd find videos of people hammering nails into wood with dried hardened dog sh*t. Doesn't mean I think its better than something engineered. PPI is redundant the moment it is high enough that pixels are not visible to the human eye. Hence resolution has a maximum cut off point because of the limitations of the human eye. So while being first on the market with a high PPI was worth bragging about - it essentially is a non feature as all future screens will eventually plateau at the same end point.
@rarson You should choose the software you prefer bro but as far as hardware Nokia is one of the worst on the market. They do cheap better than everyone else - I'll give them that.
damo320's comments