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#1 darth-pyschosis
Member since 2006 • 9322 Posts
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"][QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"][QUOTE="MushroomWig"]'Best of luck to the Vita.' 23 launch titles including Uncharted, LittleBigPlanet and Wipeout, a decent price, two models at launch. I think the Vita will do just fine. The games for the 3DS are fine but not everyone is interested in Nintendo.

Like the 150 Million people that weren't interested in the DS in 2004? Also, expect that launch game number to drop. Releasing all those games at once is the dumbest, third party crushing move Sony could do to burn bridges. That is the single reason Nintendo didn't release Star Fox, Zelda at launch. So Namco, Capcom, EA, Ubisoft could get the very good software sales they got. (with the majority of titles grossing nearly double or more than the $1 million-$2million invested in your average 3DS game.

Devs won't develop until they see sales. Third party games don't sell units as well as first party sales do. It's better to launch strong and use unit sales to entice third party devs. This is why the 3DS is doing poorly to begin with.

Well 1st thing is 1st. Have you played OOT 3D or Star Fox? If not, you shouldn't act like you know how good they are. Taking other people's words, and most people all say (critics and gamers) that they are great ports, isn't good for how people view you. Both are terrific ports, Star Fox actually boasts some of the best graphics I've seen on a handheld in some specific areas. (like the water in Corneria) Ok, so you're ignoring that Nintendo is effed either way? They release Zelda at launch and it sells well but everything else gets overshadowed, third parties complained that only Nintendo titles sell. Third parties get the launch mostly to themselves and their titles don't sell as well as they'd like because of THEIR lack of marketing, and THEIR lack of polish and suddenly Nintendo is to blame for it despite the device selling more and in a shorter time than the DS, DSi, and Wii in the same time period? Additionally, most 3DS third party titles have sold well. They don't need to sell 1 million units to do good. A 3DS game averages about $1-$2 million to produce and ship, and that isn't including cost cutting measures like porting old content. Most titles, even poorer selling ones like Ghost Recon Shadow Wars, DOA, Splinte Cell 3D easily made up that $1-$2 million investment and grossed $4-$10 million. Super Street Fighter IV has sold 540k (or in other words, 1 out of 10 3DS owners has the game) netting just above $20 million. You're telling me making twice the amount you invested in something is a bad thing? Sure, it's not terrific numbers, but definetly something good. Even Capcom has said they don't know whether to port Super Street Fighter IV Arcade, or SF x Tekken to the 3DS yet, which of course shows there is no doubt they will continue to make their fighting games for 3DS since SSFIV sold so well, it's just a matter of which and when.
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#2 darth-pyschosis
Member since 2006 • 9322 Posts
I can't begin to understand why a company is bad while still making products you want to buy that you don't even have to buy. I didn't care about MML3, never played the others. Resident Evil Revelations looks really good. Mercenaries was a blast and I enjoyed SSF IV 3D as well. I'm just hoping they'll port over SFx Tekken because SSFIV ported so very well. Also, though I haven't play much MH, MH3G and MH4 are nothing but good signs for their support.
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#3 darth-pyschosis
Member since 2006 • 9322 Posts
[QUOTE="helwa1988"]Sony knows if Nintendo fails in the handheld gaming market then they fail because Nintendo is the king of gaming. the day Nintendo handhelds fail is the day handheld gaming dies.AzatiS
Im trying to understand if you trolling or your statement is legit.

Are you telling me you think that when people stop buying Pokemon, Mario, Zelda on handhelds that the handheld industry will be healthy? No. Of course someone would have to rise from the ashes and become the new king of the industry, but it'd be a scary time and it would be a heck of a mess to clean up and might never look the same again.
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#4 darth-pyschosis
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So, they are competiting with the 3DS. People will say they aren't. Even Sony can't get their message straight on that. But he's right, it's best when all succeeded. Even if the Vita kicks the 3DS's butt it will best for gamers coz Sony will obviously have to have done something awesome to dethrone the 3DS, and Nintendo will obviously be cooking up something special to get back on top.
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#5 darth-pyschosis
Member since 2006 • 9322 Posts

I don't see the hypocrisy here. Seems pretty clear he's referring to just taking a game and dumping it on a platform, not bringing a game over and optimizing and tailoring it for a new system.

SFxT looks like it falls under the latter category.

Really? Coz SSF IV 3D was a pretty good "dumping it on a platform" This is Capcom. The people who published Dark Void. Who ported Deadrising to Wii. Who port RE4 to every platform imaginable. It will be a port, possibly a very good one, but I doubt it has much more Vita specific content than any other specific content was created for other ports by Capcom.
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#6 darth-pyschosis
Member since 2006 • 9322 Posts
[QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"][QUOTE="thatisfalse"]Does it matter if it's a port if it's a brand new game? Wouldn't it be better categorized as multiplatform? Usually, something is seen as nothing but a port after the game has been out on another console for a while. Nothing's concrete, but it sounds like sf x tekken Vita will be out the same time as the console versions. EDIT: also... it's not the same as the 3DS Street Fighter game because sf x tekken will look identical to the console versions, backed up by Ono himself and footage released to the public which you can find on youtube. the situation is clearly not the same.thatisfalse
Other than static background images, the 3DS version shows little compromised as far as I'm concerned having played both 360/3DS versions for hours on end. I'm not saying 100% the same, but the 3DS version looks very, very good

it looks good for a 3DS game. for a 3DS game. for a 3DS game. the game is as faithful to the console versions as the 3DS is capable of...

You have your opinion, and I have mine. Yay! We all win!
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#7 darth-pyschosis
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[QUOTE="darth-pyschosis"]It's all about how much the 3DS outsells the Vita. Sony simply has to stop the bleeding sooner than they did with the PSP. The fanboy wars will go on, and on. Probably for the next two years, but eventually devs will choose. They chose DS last time, due to the PSP having poor software sales and bad hardware sales. Does anyone actually think the Vita will sell not nearly as bad as the 3DS at its price? It doesn't have any system selling software for a NA/EU audience. The PSP has sold terribly for the last few years outside of Japan, roughly 2-5 million units per year in those regions. If Nintendo is pushing 3DS units on 146k in June with Ocarina of Time 3D at $249, who on earth thinks Modnation Racers, Uncharted, Wipeout will do better outside of Japan? So what on earth is going to change this time? Unless Sony starts approaching things differently and actually markets the product at everyone.hakanakumono

The PSP never had bad hardware sales.

What? You call 2-5 million units per year in North America alone not bad? C'mon. That's terrible. In a region where most consoles, in their prime, sell 8-12 million a year (and that's not including the 15-20 million years the Wii/DS had numerous times) you think that's not bad? I'm not trying to kick dirt in the little PSP's eyes. It sold well in non-American areas, it sold well in Japan in a way that is relative to the size of Japan. But in the region with a lot more people it sold dramatically less than most other consoles, even in its prime.
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#8 darth-pyschosis
Member since 2006 • 9322 Posts
Those rumors are just that rumors. There is an add on that will likely stay an add on.Enjoy your 3DS
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#9 darth-pyschosis
Member since 2006 • 9322 Posts
The lack of an announcement of Pokemon Gray really makes me think they might go a different route and either start with the Ruby/Sapphire remakes on 3DS first, or a new entry in 2013 or later. I mean Diamond/Pearl didn't come til 2 1/2 years after the DS came out, I was hoping for a Pokemon earlier in the 3DS lifetime, oh well
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#10 darth-pyschosis
Member since 2006 • 9322 Posts
Does it matter if it's a port if it's a brand new game? Wouldn't it be better categorized as multiplatform? Usually, something is seen as nothing but a port after the game has been out on another console for a while. Nothing's concrete, but it sounds like sf x tekken Vita will be out the same time as the console versions. EDIT: also... it's not the same as the 3DS Street Fighter game because sf x tekken will look identical to the console versions, backed up by Ono himself and footage released to the public which you can find on youtube. the situation is clearly not the same.thatisfalse
Other than static background images, the 3DS version shows little compromised as far as I'm concerned having played both 360/3DS versions for hours on end. I'm not saying 100% the same, but the 3DS version looks very, very good