Is that the next Labo VR headset design?
DarthBuzzard's forum posts
Ugh, just let it go already. None of that are must haves to warrant a psvr purchase.
No Man's Sky has sold quite a few people on PSVR from what I've seen. None of those are likely to be killer apps, but that doesn't mean that they aren't must haves for some people.
VR sucks... I got one to play with a buddy who loved it. It isn't a good experience at all. The only redeeming factor is that when nothing is moving it is kind of cool to look around and see the different textures and objects that appear to be in full 3D... lol. Just like I thought though... it just isn't ready. Maybe in another 10-15 years when tracking is 100% optimal and you can wear a much smaller device without 600 wires coming out of it. I would say I'll just wait until SONY releases its next iteration of VR and try that one, but I certainly won't be buying it first. Even then it would have to blow me away, and the one I have is complete crap, so I don't see that happening. I haven't tried the PC VR's and I would imagine that is BY FAR the best experience though... because outside of maybe home design/interior decorating or porn, I really don't see a point, and it just mostly doesn't work for games....not in any sense of the form that I care about in the least. It's janky and herky-jerky, things glitch and move around strangely, collision is a major fault, fogging is an issue, the earbuds suck, it's way too big/cumbersome, decent games are few and far in-between (even then the so called "best" games are pretty weaksauce). So, overall.. yeah, it isn't for me.. just like I figured. Add to that fact that games that have so called "VR functionality" don't actually have that at all... they just add in a couplet VR levels and other than that it is completely out of use. Take Ace Combat 7 for example. Sure, it has a few missions, but you can't use it online, in the other missions, or in ANY OTHER situation.... what's the point? Unless many of the issues I talked about change or disappear, I am completely uninterested at this point. I won't give an out of 10 number for it seeing as though since I don't like it at all my view would be rather harsh, but I can honestly say... it's even worse than my original worst case scenario envisionments were... which were already pretty bad. Take that into mind and then lower the bar another few feet, and if you are on the fence... well, you'll know what to expect going into it.
Come back when you've tried PC VR with good games and no cables or one cable. Most of your issues are outdated and irrelevant.
I highly doubt you played some of the best PSVR games in the first place. What did you play?
- Half Life VR
- Cyberpunk 2077
- Elder Scrolls VI
- Respawn's VR FPS
- FF7 Remake
- Last of Us 2
- Stormland
- Lone Echo 2
- Borderlands 3
- Death Stranding
@whatafailure: no, I think the question for the future of vr is "can they implement it without developing exclusively for it. We all use cod controls for fps games, triggers for racing games etc. We need to find to a way that a game like cod can have vr enabled by just connecting the head set, not making an entire game for it. If it becomes an option, like a steering wheel or arcade stick, it can be massive. But that's not the question for this thread so I'm just rambling.
People prefer their games made for VR rather than ported. This goes doubly so for FPS games. Ports can still be amazing and way better in VR, but people will always demand more. If CoD gets VR support down the road, people might enjoy it and it might even be really good, but then people will demand a full VR exclusive CoD because they want them to take it further.
Prepare to be disappointed because the last time valve teased and showed a game from it's biggest franchises it was Portal bridge constructor; not a bad game but certainly not what everyone was expecting.
I'm expecting a prequel to Half Life 2 made for VR. It's not like I'm expecting Half Life 3.
Might just be a port of previous Half Life games to VR. Either way I am curious to see what it is
Gabe had an interview in 2017 where he said VR wouldn't be a success if people just took existing games and ported them. He was then asked if the 3 VR games they are working on are intended to be killer apps, and Gabe said he hopes so.
WIll be hilarious when it reveals to be a mobile game.
It's specifically related to their VR hardware, and that certainly isn't a mobile headset either.
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