I think it'll be a decent remake, and I might pick it up later on down the line. But as someone who played the crap out of LA DX on the Gameboy Color, I feel like there won't be enough new content to interest fans of the original.
I love everything about this game the way it was in the earlier years. I feel no desire to sit and play modern WoW, it is simply not enjoyable. You are overpowered and the game lacks any real sense of adventure and exploration now.
I've been playing through classic despite being disconnected from the game like once every 5 minutes. But I still love everything about this game, and so far I haven't been too phased by this huge inconvenience. That's how much I love WoW Classic.
With your character being a teacher and the others students, it makes sense that romance takes a backseat to comraderie.
I also see nothing wrong with a gaming site talking about an aspect of a game. I didn't watch the video and listen to the discussion as I keep the volume off on my phone, but really if you aren't even allowed to discuss an aspect of a game here then the only thing they're expecting you to do is announce them and rate them, and that's boring asf.
I'll probably let my Switch Online subscription lapse since I can't even play NES games with a friend online without it going wonky. (Let alone play some Smash Bros. or most other games with anyone else.)
Imagine if they flipped the main characters of both films. Now you have entirely different movies with a security guard defending a home from burglars, and a kid setting traps for things that come after him in a museum at night.
Thanks for posting this, GS. Money is getting a little tight but I've been looking forward to this game for the past 7 months or so, and shaving off the sales tax and then some is a nice incentive.
Walmart has had quite a few of their Switch games ten dollars lower than regular price lately. I'm not so sure that this is a permanent thing - it's likely a Summer sale of sorts. But I'd definitely take advantage of it if there's a Switch game you've been meaning to buy. (There are a few I wish I'd have waited on for this!)
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