I enjoyed GoT for what it was, and I even somewhat liked the last season. That said, I don't think I will watch any of the spin-off shows, or ever sit and read the books. The fact of the matter is, the ending really could have been better than it was. But it's over, it's done, and as far as I'm concerned it's just a pleasant memory now. The ending was a good one - things reach a climax and then people wind up going in circles. Just like life. The series absolutely got that right.
Sometimes the ThinkGeek stuff is interesting to look through at GS, but I feel like that takes up a lot of space in the stores that could be used for more actual gaming stuff. Dealing in retro, esports and PC more are all cool ideas.
@suprsolider: Well the Switch has certainly done its job and gotten people's attention. You just can't help yourself but come in here and comment on all of these articles about it.
@xantufrog: This is why I'm not sure if this is the "pro" Switch that has been brought up over the last several months. What had been talked about was higher-end, separate from the standard version.
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