Some great new sections added to the show this week. This still is my personal favourite show on gamespot. Great stuff! Keep it up!
On difficulty levels, I believe they should exist because everyone has their own reasons for playing a game, and limits to how much difficulty they can handle so the option should be there. And it would still just be an option.
And so the rumour mill continues but no solid facts are yet to emerge. But one thing is for certain, the next generation of consoles is overdue already.
Interesting new format for the start select guys. But that sound byte at the start and end has to go. Its like someone scratching their nails on a chalk board in a very echoey room. Not pleasant to the ears!
Its a wise move to seperate this game, whatever it is from the Brothers in Arms series. From what I've heard so far, its nothing like a BIA game so it should not share a title.
That's a lot of talk I'm hearing from him but no mention of money. Companies don't survive if they don't make money. The question needs to be asked to him, how is this game going to make money?
He can talk all he wants but anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that the money matters. The only way to get people to pay you money for something is to offer something they want. And if they are going to give us a "next generation" quality game, why would anyone want to pay for more?
I really hope MGS 5 goes back to the more traditional MGS style of the first three titles because 4 let me down a bit.. A return to the 60s and the original snake would be great. His dealings with the likes of ocelot and other bosses in that were some of gamings best moments ever for me.
I really hope that Rockstar are suggesting that GTA V will be more like San andreas because I wasn't impressed with the scaled down nature of GTA IV. To me GTA IV was like a high definition version of 3. Yes they're both great games but Vice City and San andreas are the best in the series so far because they gave you all the core gameplay plus all the extra fun stuff on the side.
I was worried about Rockstar's ability to create great open world games was waning after GTA IV but Red Dead Redemption re-affirmed my faith in them. I hope IV was just a blip and GTA V will be great.
deadpeasant's comments