@Khalidosan @dman123_1 @BamaGoatt Ohh yeah, I've said it before the reveal that this is most likely an industry move. My thing is, if all of this is true, they went about it the wrong way. If anything, they should offer discounts on digital downloads of games. Like how cell phone companies would take X amount of dollars off your bill if you switched to paperless, it gave you an incentive to do that.
@BamaGoatt @dman123_1 I'm not saying don't support it, I'm saying how important is it to download DLC for a game? for some, they may want it, for others, they may pass on it just because.
@BamaGoatt @dman123_1 You could say. Parts are more of a necessity to cars than DLC is to games though. if you have a complete car and a complete game, 10 years from now you can still pass on DLC, but on cars, unless you have great maintenance on it, you will need a part sometime down the line.
@MooncalfReviews actually, I believe if it is true, that the devs and pubs will get their cut. No way the devs and pubs would let this slide if MS were the only ones benefiting from it. Vice Versa, again, if true, MS couldn't benefit from doing this if it was their own free will. If true, I would think this was an industry deal to support this. With the patents Sony has filed, I wouldn't be surprised if Sony followed suit as well.
@Khalidosan @dman123_1 I would say this though. the loans people make buying a new car can make up for it, plus parts and service. Really, the parts itself can make up for a lot of things, even in used cars because they need those parts.
@Khalidosan just because they are not vocal about doesn't mean if the opportunity came up that they wouldn't want to get a cut. I firmly believe they would love a percentage of the sale of a used car.
@Shewgenja @fredyellowone Well, one could argue that technology has made it more possible, pricing was better then (cept for those damned 79 dollar n64 games, but those were hard to pirate at the time), cost is going up etc etc. But i feel if the pricing is fixed, used game sales wouldn't be as much of a problem
@Khalidosan that's the issue. they are just manufacturers that wantto design the ultimate product. Pubs and devs are the ones that really drive the force of how the gaming industry is. Sony MS and Nintendo can't just design a gaming console, you can't name me one thing in the tech industry that is highly successful that only does one thing, and if you do, I could probably show you a better selling product that can do that and then-some. The focus has always to build an entertainment system.
@YoreLore Well the point i was making is that other industries may not be as vocal as the pubs and devs are, but of the opportunity came up that they can make money off of used product, they would. Apple tried and i'm sure have or would. I agree though, you have the right to re-sell if you want.
dman123_1's comments