@Velazkid I mean, it is bascially a lil more than 2 weeks away from E3, I didn't even expect them to reveal a bunch of games, then what would be the point of them being at E3?? The reveal was for the console and what it can do, which i'm glad they did so at E3, it is out of the way and they can focus primarily on games
@gamer20482 @Ghostload501 I see this being an industry standard actually. Blu ray is partly to blame. Because the read speeds aren't as fast, it gives them the reason to make in-game installs mandatory. The fact that you don't need a disc to play it justified them charging the fee, because you can just simply rent it out install it, then return it. Come to think of it though, depending on the charge, I actually wouldn't mind paying the fee, you could actually pay much less just renting hundreds of games from gamefly, pay x amount then simply play it without the disc. This all pending if all of this is true
@FourEyedSnake @GONtheSKYLORD The thing with smartglass, is that I see the potential in it. I've have my own thoughts of what may be capable with it. if they can achieve that, then it would be a something to behold.
@FourEyedSnake sorry, won't be just games, technology has passed that. That's the thing about progression. part of it is being the ultimate machine, you can't be the ultimate machine if you only do one thing,, it is one dimensional. it is a race to be the number one stop for all things entertainment.
@Sevenizz @dman123_1 YES!!! I have spent so much time on Rainbow Six 3. It was so much fun, I've have met most of my friends i currently have on my list off that game. PGR 2, Phantasy star online on the xbox, just classics. last gen was really a good gen. Gamecube PS2 and the Xbox all had shining moments. Maybe the games are missing substance, maybe the community wasn't like it once was, maybe it's a little bit of both.
@shingui5 @Uesugi-dono @dman123_1 @Yomigaeru ok, good point. I see too many people do the whole fake vs real gamers and apply that to people who play COD hardcore. But to the original post, Mobile gaming has come a long way. there are quite a few games I could actually sink hours into playing. MMO's, shooters, sports, RPG's, etc etc. Plenty are on these mobile platforms and performs quite well considering they are touch controls. As far as people wanting to play with their friends, people feel that the experience is much more enjoyable playing with friends. I can agree. Plus, there is a huge replay value in multiplayer gaming. I know too many people who will finish a SP game and trade it in or sell it to someone else. I suppose as these games expand, there will be much more possibilities to have a game with a great single player and great multiplayer
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