@demonkingx5 still not as convenient. plus the game on a console is guaranteed to work on ALL properly functioning consoles, that same guarantee can't be said for all computers.
you are right, but you are just missing the fact that PC's are not simple as consoles and at the end of the day, that's what most people want
@demonkingx5 @grnsuperman4 I do way too much on my PC to have enough to hook up multiple controllers though. I do like the optimization of consoles though although, it isn't what it use to be
I think a great example of a game that has violence, but is story driven is Taletell's The Walking Dead. It had it's fair share of violence, but it had a captivating storyline that got you attached to the characters. Made you feel bad when they died, some even cried, particularly at the end.
@macca366 YEah, people just don't seem to care. Like, I don't think Video games are solely to blame for the real life violence that takes place, but I do feel that they may play a part with younger children if you introduce them to it so early. I was 13 when I started playing M rated games. My mom knew nothing of video games, but somehow she kept me away from such violent games. Kids are playing these games when they are 5. I don't feel comfortable playing those types of games around kids that young.
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