I respect his decision to not work on violent games anymore. I think people are taking this the wrong way. He is not ashamed of working on them, but he seems to be at the point of his life that he wants to put it behind him.
@Simplythebest12 Umm... what?? please explain, because I have never been through any of the things these video games depict, violent or not and I'm sure most of the worlds population haven't either. Plus, you don't even know the type of games he wants to make, maybe he does want to make a game based on real life situations and not something over the top and gory.
@Meta_Dragon A lot of people have PC's for a lot of things, but they also have Smart TV's, and other media boxes. Plus, you can counter that by saying, "I don't need a gaming console, I have a PC for that".
@megakick @edfromred I can't say they are pushing innovation on a gaming stance. I will admit, MS cashed in big with online gaming when Xbox Live came out. I can say that there was nothing like it, But Sega has been dipping in that ocean for years long before MS even got into the console game.
They have done some great things in the beginning, but they have seem to drop the ball on a lot of things that could have really set itself apart from Sony or Nintendo. They let them catch up, just like they let Apple and Google pass them by in the mobile market when they could of had that market on lock.
@C810 I've had my ideas with what they should do with Gold. I think they should keep it, but redefine it. Free multiplayer should be the standard, as well as using apps like netflix hulu and such. What I believe they should do to make Gold much more of a deal is to offer skype group video chat for gold members, if it is capable, record games from the nextbox to twitch, offer "Gold servers" to gold members, more deals for gold members. If they can integrate clan features, offer things for gold members like, only active gold members can create and maintain clans. I dunno if those things are possible, but those were things I have thought about when it comes to gold membership
@macca366 @DeViLzzz actually, I've met quite a few people who can't stand the PS controller and would rather play their PS3 games on a 360 controller. I will agree, the 360 controller has a better fit, but the PS controller has a much better D pad
@koospetoors @Verhoven as big of the problem it was, I feel a lot of people over exaggerate their issues with the 360. I've had one issue with both my 360 and PS3, since then, no problems. Never had a problem with a Wii. TBH, my whole life of playing games, I've probably had 5 failed consoles (Sega Genesis, PS2, Xbox PS3, Xbox 360)
@R2C25 @arleo_09 I guess the problem they are saying is that most of the products are on other consoles for free, plus it is not an app they think most people don't use. On top of that, they are not focusing on what it is, a game console. I agree, but that's the thing, they are making the xbox brand more than just a gaming console
dman123_1's comments