@TigusVidiks @iswhatitis @servb0ts it is licensed copy of a game rather than ownership.
I agree, it isn't piracy, it is legal to do so, but they have a right to do what they can to prevent it as well, since they own the IP of what you purchased. Prices simply won't go down because of: how the economy is, how much the cost of production is, and now the industry have adjusted to this price point. Good thing it isn't N64 prices, I dunno if I can do 80 a game
@jhcho2 @dman123_1 @ultra-zealot But that's the thing, MS never officially said anything about it. MS never said they were doing it, everything we have heard has been alleged and rumors. MS simply said they had no comment for it. And that's how MS always operates, just like when everyone wanted to know when the nextbox was coming out, they had no comment, that's how they deal with rumors. Can't put too much blame on MS for the wildfire of rumors
@xtraflossy @dman123_1 I'm not saying people are stupid, but sometimes, we lose focus that these are 2 big companies, looking for as much profit as they can get. I'm not saying all corporations are evil, what I am saying is that if it affects their pockets, I'm sure they have looked at the options with some consideration.
YEs, the always online option (Wii's 24/7) is fine, but for it to just function in any order is what people fear
@xtraflossy I'm speaking of the former, the latter isn't the reason why people are mad about this. But from what you are saying, you would be fine with always online, even though that gives them more control of what you can do on it?
@HonorOfGod @dman123_1 Exactly, Sony is as much about the dollar as MS is, I don't see why people think otherwise. The moves they have made is simply to one up MS, but if you gave them an inch, they will take a mile too. MS gets a bad rep while all other companies who do the same gets a pass. People think they are "learning from their mistakes" or "taking a stand". THEY NEVER RULED IT OUT THAT THEY WILL NEVER DO IT.
@Mendax2013 @dman123_1 LOL, like I said, it will be an industry move, ALL of it.. You all forget that SOny originally, was getting all the press about the idea of restricting of what you can do with used games and demos, while MS wasn't even giving info that they would even come out with a console.
@Toysoldier34 @wexorian @JayQproductions @daichanrox PC gaming isn't as convenient as console gaming. to have a gaming PC in a 500 dollar price range means, you have to put effort into building it on your own. Other than that, you are paying atleast 750 for a decent gaming PC pre-built Consoles are simply plug and play, easier to bring to other peoples houses, and couch multiplayer is what made consoles shine in the 1st place
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