@MAD_AI @experience_fade @sora141guy @theend3r But, Those console rarely go bad. There is one thing I will say about Nintendo, is that their consoles usually last a long time compared to MS and Sony
@BigBossWato @CincoToes But MS press has been bigger than PS4 press though. More people are talking about MS than they are Sony. Bad press is better than no press because people will tune in the reveal to see if they are right or wrong. If they simplyjust replied, it would seem like they are playing catch up to SOny, they don't even seem worried about Sony being aggressive.
@lord_mjn @sladakrobot just like it is a rumor that it does? YEs it uses window 8, but it would be optimized and restricted, s it doesn't really matter especially for the consumer and too many people are so fair-weather on BC some want it some don't, I don't think it is a deal breaker though
@Mercadeo @dman123_1 But Xbox Live isn't mandatory, why would they make this mandatory? And TBH, this doesn't benefit MS more than it benefits the publishers and developers when it comes to the used game issue. As far as the Durango being always on, I'm certain they wouldn't make that move if it isn't an industry move. Publishers and developers deal with it (see what i did there) on the PC side by having keycodes and such, I'm sure they can on the console side as well, which I believe is what will happen.
@MjnE @HucklePeel armorall does a pretty good job with turds.
And i'm pretty sure this was a rumor started by someone ill-informed. Rumors been going on about MS releasing 2 different consoles (which is what this could be) then this. MS aint perfect by a long shot, but I believe they knew what they are doing in this case.
With that being said, it seems calling it a turd is your last resort to bash them since the always online thing is possibly false
@MADPADDY You actually believe they will do it?? Plus, you don't actually own the intellectual property, that's why there are terms and agreements to some of the things you buy. You would be up the creek if you tried to go someplace else, because that applies across the board. I never really believe they would do it unless it was a collective agreement with Sony, Nintendo, and MS. Plus it really defeats the purpose of a console
@atlanticmoon True. I'm sure MS has policies dealing with digital media like twitter and how you interact with them. I've worked at quite a few companies with those policies
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