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*slaps self*..with an update!!

Today you get no pic and no cute story...... why you ask?? I'll tell you why. I unplugged my adsl modem this afternoon because of a ungodly lighting storm that came out of nowhere and left everybody without power for about an hour and when I rebooted the stupid modem.... the damn thing didnt work so I was messing with it and nothing. I usually get it to work but today the darn thing refuses to cooperate so since I have a short, tabasco sauce temper with this kind of things I better leave it alone before I end up throwing it out the window.

So I am now stuck in 56K dial up hell (which I can only use from midnight to 6am because of the incredibly high phone rates during the day) until I can call tech support in the morning so they can tell me what the fox I did wrong.

I am not a happy puppy right now :cry:

Jumping up and down update and a little pic added for fun: I called tech support and I my modem is up and running again yay!! man... you don't realize how important some things are to you until you lose them... weird thing is that most people here worry about how to pay their bills or find a job when I am running around in circles over a internet modem that costs what some people make here a month.. crap.. I feel bad now.


I love Mr. Bean.. I suppose not everybody can appreciate his comedy but those who do .. YAY! you just got 10 brownie points from me hehe. I just think is sad than someone who works as a comedian has such a bad temper and a sad life away from the cameras... oh well.

Has anyone seen that show on E! called Love is in the heir?? ...I watched a bit of it today and I wanted to jump off the window afterwards.

On a last note: I have a new journal banner... thoughts?

*sings* So you better get out of my way now..before I roll all over you!!!!!!

For those who are wondering about today's tittle.. that's a verse from a military cadence used for marching.. Oh the memories.. and it fits today's entry perfectly.

I would like to introduce the newest addition to my family: (you are gonna need to scroll ---> to get a better view)


I bought this little guy yesterday afternoon..(thats not the actual car since I am nowhere near the ocean but mine its just like it). There was a huge car sale with tons of dealers on the parking lot of the supermarket around the block from our apartment so Andy thought it would be a great idea to check it out.. and damn was he right... so after walking around and test driving all kinds of cars I decided for this one..Andy agreed that the price was great and Maggie loved jumping all over the seats not to mention I love the silver color. I am one very happy puppy right now *runs around in circles*

So if you are anywhere near Brazil.. watch out.. starting next weekend (we are picking up the car then since Andy is gone for another 7 days grrrr!!) I am officially behind the wheel again... YIPEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Until then I am gonna nurse my sunburn.. we were out there 5 hours and I didnt wear sunscreen :cry: MEGA OUCH!!

De mafalda, poeta y loco.. todos tenemos un poco.

<--- eso mismo digo yo :P

What a way to start a friday.. I got owned by photobucket and all my pics turn into evil little red X's and I am trying to upload them to another site that some forumite suggested.. so far no problems.. I dont think I am going back to the other site after this.

I have been in a bad mood the last few days because of the damn weather... its fall already.. its not supposed to be this hot!! I am melting little by little each day.. grrrrr!!

I have so many things to do this morning its not even funny.. I haven't slept at all and since its 7am already I am just gonna do what I have to do and catch some zzzz later......meh.. probably wont since my dog is an evil little creature... if you have seen the movie the hulk and remember the part where he is fighting the 3 mutant dogs.. well.. I guess my little maggie learned some bad stuff from there and now tries to kill me when I am innocently sitting on the sofa trying to watch TV

:? what an ungrateful canine she is ...

Men cologne.. wear it or get out!

Yeap.. even the most hideous little mutant can be sexy and interesting if he picks his cologne wisely. But just pouring the thing on you like its holy water wont do the trick..you must brush up on the personality & social skills and never dress like a punk teenager if you really want to impress thet special someone .. oh yeah..being yourself doesn't hurt either (but I am sure you knew this already..... I hope)

I had this friend when I was in the military who read somewhere that if a girl wears man cologne it would make her more attractive to guys.. I thought it was a bunch of bs so she decided to try it out.. well.. amazingly it did work.... I never tried it myself.. I always showed up for PT formation smelling of peaches & cream body spray :lol: (and it worked fine for me hehe)

So.. go get yourself a couple of colognes NOW (if you dont have them already).. and come back and tell me the results :wink:

I am off to play age of empires and escape this damn heat...

Another hot day... I thought people were exagerating when they warned me about the weather here *sigh*....funny thing is.. if you drive about an hour from here there is a city that looks exactly like silent hill (its extremely foggy and creepy looking) but at least its nice and fresh there. *packs bags*

Anyway, I was in the kitchen today & I heard one of my neighbors singing in english really loud.. and failing miserably :lol: I was thinking about offering her some english classes but since she is annoying & has a even more annoying dog she can continue butchering the english language all she wants.. not my problem.

Well, as I said before I am off to play age of empires until darkness falls and I can emerge from my air conditioned dungeon. I'll lurk around tonight when its fresh again...

So I leave you with a map of Brazil.. I am somewhere in the purple area ( and wishing I was somewhere in the red or yellow.. where is nice and cold right now) :(

*changes tittle and does a happy dance*

Guess whos back...... back again......dri is back.... tell a friend.....
Yeap I am back to my usual monkey business since its another 7 days of solitude in the old homestead *sigh*. This is not a good time to go back to the skies because my poor dog would go crazy being left alone all the time. Oh well.. patience is a virtue and sooner or later I'll be back pushing my little cart down the aisle and hitting people in the elbow/knee/foot etc or doing my little safety demos and being glad only 2 people are actually paying attention after I tangle myself with the live vest (I swear it happened only once lol)

In other news.. we finally got cable.. some people might find celebrating over cable silly but you dont appreciate it until you are forced to watch your favorite movies/shows in another language. I hate that.. so now I am a happy puppy with plenty of english, spanish, italian and of course portuguese channels to watch. Life is good hehe.

Oh yeah, I did a mega cleaning of my friends list (finally) so from now on it will be strictly VIP (only if I know ya you are in).. and never again will accept a random request.. NEVA!!!

EDIT: had to change the original pic thanx to stupid photobucket.. grr.

Holy ****! Legend or not, that's a horrible way to die :(

So yesterday it was raining like there was no tomorrow and Andy looks at me and says : "Lets go to the chapada dos guimaraes" (its a national park about an hour away)

I just looked at him in awe but decided not to mention the weather hoping he would notice on his own.. didn't happen.

Anyway, I was a great day despite the rain.. and Maggie had a blast spashing around in the mud and then jumping on us.

We went to many places but two in particular impressed me the most. The "veu de noiva" (the bride's veil) because the waterfall got its name after a terrible accident that happened there years ago:

Apparently there was a wedding celebration taking place there and the bride wanted to take a picture in a way that the waterfall will continue where her veil ended. So she stood up in a rock right at the edge of the fall ( the rock still there) and while waiting for the picture to be taken somehow slipped and fell to her death.

God knows what happened after the family and friends saw her down in the rocks but the legend says that the groom killed himself soon after to be with his bride in the afterlife.

We went to the rock where she fell from and Andy decided to take a picture of the bottom of the fall... while holding on to Maggie's leash!!! I went nuts and told him never to scare me like that again because he could have fallen and taken my dear dog with him. GRRR!

Right before making our way back up to the parking area we saw a bright white silluette on the other side of the waterfall....we looked at each other and were back inside the car in record time.

The second place was the "gate to hell" which is an part of the road that runs on the highest side of a mountain. When it was built they made a very sharp turn but forgot to put some kind of railing or signaling...and now the bottom of is a cementery for cars and whoever was inside.. the cars are still there :?

There are many more legends to these places but I think I've heard enough for now.. sometimes I spook too easily hehe.


EDIT: pic had to be removed due to large size :P

The OT picture thread is at it again...

So this time I thought.. heck.. why not just add a pic of myself and Maggie to the ever-growing OT picture thread.. so full of happy faces... *puts bottle down*

The pic was taken during an incredibly long car trip and you can only see part of my face (with the sun hitting me right in the nose) and none of my long beautiful brown hair *giggles* but you have full face view of my dog napping in my arms :lol: unless BT deleted her again.. in which case.. :cry: