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Noobs vs Vets. Who abuses the point system & is the biggest point hungry people?

This problem affect us all like a virus without a cure. Point hungry people who run around the boards reporting everything the can... to get one or two points or those who are desperate to become mods. Such good citizens they are... making the boards a better place for all of us... NOT.

So I saw it with my own eyes.. I saw how a vet made a stupid comment on a thread and then ran to the mods board to "report it" he was in such hurry to get the points that apparently he forgot that the ask the mods board is not a reporting service. (I may have to go in the eyewitness protection program.. I know and have seen too much)


So I think that people who have been here long enough & know their way around and how to milk the point system are the first ones to run to the report button.. and the responsible for currupting the noobs.. after all how the hell would they know how to get "easy points" unless they learn from the vets... hell, they dont even know how to put a picture on their sigs for heaven's sakes!!!

A message to the point hungry people... YOU SICKEN ME!!! :evil: use the freaking site like everybody else to get points if you feel that is your life purpose you .... wait.. they might report this so.. better calm down.

What do you think??

BWAHAHAHA!! Some proud PSP owners... owned themselves ROFL!!!!

I have to write half an entry now and the rest later because I just had to say this.. I was reading some posts and some journals and I found out that many proud PSP owners could only afford to get the handheld but no games AHAHAHAHA!!
I hope the demo disk and spiderman 2 dont get too old before they can come up with enough money for some games.

Yeah yeah.. some are gonna say that are using the many features of the psp while they save enough for a game.. and you now what.. *points and laughs* BWAHAHAHAHAA at you too !!! FOOLS!!

As for me.. I am gonna get the best deal.. since I am a savy buyer I am gonna wait until the hype dies down and the price plummets like it always does.. and maybe find me a good deal of psp+games on ebay from some kid who *cough* couldn't find any more uses for the system. Oh wait.. there are deals like that already... BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!

I may add more later.. after the smile fades from my face :lol:

You know what? F the emblem.. I am cleaning up my friends list!!

CHAPTER ONE: The decision
Yeah, thats right.. I have decided to do a "fall cleaning" (its fall where I live btw) of my friends list and leave only those who I have had some sort of converzation with or made me laugh at some point or share some of my interests.. the rest.. unfortunately are gonna have to go. I really dont see the point of the emblem.. do I care about a little internet emblem with a butterfly?? *picks up bug spray* ...there is your answer

CHAPTER TWO: Plan of Action
Ok, its daylight.. oh wait.. its dark already.. man, days go by so fast sometimes. So today before I finish my activities here on GS I am going to delete some of the people on my list. Its nothing personal but like I said before, I want to keep only a group of select few.. and be able to interact more with them.. either by posting on their journals if they have one or a union.. etc.

CHAPTER THREE: The final list
NOOOO! I don't have the courage to do it.. I may delete some people down the roads.. but as for right now I just cant do it *cries*

So here is my new rule:

Absolutely NO friend requests will be accepted UNLESS I know who you are and actually had some sort of converzation and most importantly in case its not clear as water: NO MORE FRIEND REQUESTS FROM FORUMITES I DONT KNOW!!!!

Case closed. oh yeah.. The End :P

STAND BACK!!! I have a cold *steals tissue box*

My first cold of the year has arrived...and I am not too happy about it. Good thing I have the house to myself for a few days and the fridge full of nutricious and junk food otherwise I would be a very unhappy puppy.

It's probably the effects of the cold medicine but I was thinking who would win in a fight between a RE zombie (crimson head preferably) vs a siren shibito. I say the shibito.. why you ask? well those annoying creatures never die plus they are excellent undeath snipers. Did I mention that siren is the most frustrating game I have ever played? No? Well, its is. I doubt there is a game more annoying that siren.

*medicine kicks in..again* what about a shibito vs snake?? woah.. I kid I kid :lol:

Well, I am gonna get a blanket and a pillow and camp in front of the TV for movies & games therapy... and probably return to my OT sessions later today.. I am being such a good forumite..only because I fear another suspension.. but I will go back to my old ways...maybe not now... BUT SOON.. muwahahahaha!!!

No more little miss nice *transforms into the hulk* GGGGRRRR!!!!!

<--- the red dude is supposed to be gamespot ready to get pounded :P

So anyway, I am missing one person to get my union started.. and lo and behold one of the people that I really want to be a founding member of the union deleted the invitation by mistake (it happens to the best of us) and kindly asks me to send another one.. so I go to the admin page and start happily looking for a resend option.. minutes go by.. click here and there and nothing.. ok. So I go to the technical support page and ask around just to find out that there is no such option and possibly I am gonna have to wait 30 days. *turns into the hulk and starts to destroy things*

Here I am now.. without answers while questions about how to put a freaking picture on a freaking signature are being answered at lighting speed.. *sips on citrus soda* ..... meh.. I'll come back later and post some more.. need to take the pooch to get some shots and since the pet store is at the mall I am gonna go shopping to cool off... grrrr.

*************************HOURS LATER***********************
So I came back from the mall a while ago and I just realized that I bought more things for my dog than for me :? oh well I like to spoil her even if she uses my hands as chewing toys. (the little monster bites hard as hell too!!)
I emailed an admin about my union issue and he replied at lighting speed and told me all he can do for me is delete the union so I can start again.. I don't know if its worth it to contact the people who have already accepted the invites and tell them what happened or just hope that someone else from the list of candidates replies. In any case is just too much trouble so I'm just gonna let it be.

The Midnight Society is still holding on for dear life..ready to unleash evil

EEEK! When you open the door and these guys are there just staring back at you its a good time to take a vacation, check your skull for heavy bumps, dial 911 or stop whatever substance you have been using asap.. hell..do all of the above hehe.

So I got this great idea of making a union about horror films and games and both go great together because most likely a RE fan is also a fan of zombie movies.. and so on.

So since most people on my friends list dont mention liking or disliking the genre so I guess and add them to the list.. then I started reading lots of postings for the right candidates (GS had to make it difficult.. go figure) and finally after many tries my list is accepted and the happy little yellow envelopes arrive in several inboxes.

Some courageous GS'ers who aren't afraid of chainsaw maniacs or the walking death have already accepted (THANX GUYS) but I am still missing 2 people so I am hoping 2 good people (or evil for that matter) click on the accept button *prays really really hard* :lol:

Well, to end todays blabbing session I am gonna leave you with what "The Midnight Union" is all about:

The Midnight Society is a place where horror movie/game fans gather to share ideas, experiences and opinions about the genre and of course scare the heck out of each other with some good stories.. of course if we scare each other too much we can take quick off-topic breaks.. but then is right back to evil !!!

With that said.. *unleashes evil* mwahahahaaha!!! :evil:

Stop trying to crawl out of my TV you evil girl, I am trying to play GTA!!!

So after a very nice weekend I can safely say I am cured of the "samara syndrome" meaning I found that there are way more scary things in real life than some little punk girl who has trouble sleeping and decided to go on a killing rampage through an unmarked tape. If she were to crawl out of my TV I would offer her a nice glass of warm milk with a bit of honey and some tylenol PM. I tell ya.. kids these days are born evil hehe

I watched Pearl Harbor yesterday and I was crying like a fool.. war movies based on real events have that effect on me.. darm why did stupid Ben Affleck get the girl.. why?? :cry:

Sometime this week I am gonna get my hair colored the same shade as Gisele Bundchen's.. why you ask? well just because the color is very pretty & since fall started today here I need a change of look for the season. (if you have no idea who GB is.. I feel a little bad for ya)

Well, so far no more comments about my girly sig.. and either that is a sign of acceptance and tolerance or maybe people just dont read sigs anymore. Either-or I am happy :)

People of America, I give you..genitals in the sky (woah!!)

Yeah!! if you are a fan of That 70's show you probably know what I'm talking about.

I am turning into a freaking vampire.. its 4:30 in the morning and I am wide awake running around doing stuff .. and by 7am I probably will be unconcious either on the sofa or my bed, too bad tomorrow is back to regular sleeping hours.. until next week mwahahahaha!!!

So anyway, today I started using a new sig.. and oh man did it stir some trolling sheesh. Why is it so difficult for some noobs to accept that girls play videogames too?? argh! I also noticed that some people do not take the time to read users profiles ( I have been called dude so many times even though my name is right there.. just one click away) but also I saw that most forumites are polite and pleasant and that put a smile on my face. As far as the trolls go.. meh, they can burn in hell.

Like I told someone on a sig topic I made.. I am here to mingle with the rest of the forumites and just have fun, gender does not matter to me as long as is not used as an excuse to troll. And no gawd damnit I am not an attention wh*re .. I have been around the boards too long and only a noob will have the nerve to call me that.. *kills offending noob..manhunt style* YEAH!!!

*runs around journal wearing bunny pajamas* whoooosh!!

*hop-hop*.. once again.... another sleepless night.. I just can't help it when I have the house all to myself *runs around in circles* I am gonna post a pic of the easter eggs they sell here.. they are huge boulders made of chocolate!!

I am in a good mood today, usually I am in a good mood but today I am specially cheerful.. hmm I wonder what today has in store for me.... store?? I got this crazy urge to go shopping now :P

So yeah.. we have new layout on the forums page.. a brand new feature called "unions" .. oh yeah.. new mods *senses evil presence but just not close enough* hehe.. damn.. I need to be even more careful now.. dont wanna get suspended again.

So to finish my daily blabbing I must make an honorable mention to the multi-talented artist known as (no.. dont jump ahead of me.. Im not talking about Dahv) I am talking about Mr. Rico-Suave (Gerardo) I was watching the video of that song just now and I couldn't stop laughing :lol: well.. I shouldnt be laughing so much cause he now works for a record label and is responsible for many of the artists we are forced to listen to now.. DAMN YOU RICO SUAVE!!! I heard he released a new song not long ago.. *massive roffles attack.. can't breathe... ends entry here* :lol:

What the... was that a nightmare??

WTF?? Not even in dreams I can escape the reality of the world we live in.. my brain is conspiring against me I tell you!!

I'll keep the dream as short as possible:

Well, the dream started with me watching a news report on TV about some terrorist radicals who had a nuclear bomb and where planning to launch it at a random place at midnight within 48 hours. It caused total world panic and people started getting ready for the worst. I was in London at the time (wtf?? I never been there in real life) and I was saying my good-byes to friends and family (what were they all doing in London??) argh!!

Apparently there was not enough time to the usual "world heroes" to save the day because at the end of last day they still didn't find the "evil doers" (sarcasm level increasing). So as the final hours of the last day started to roll in, the mood was very Y2K like.. with people glued to their TV's watching in horror as other parts of the world saw midnight come and go without much incident.

Somehow I found myself back in the US and so far no bomb...(go figure) and I remember checking my watch and just one minute before midnight .....I opened my eyes and I was back in my room staring at the ceiling...... what the???


Well, on a happier note... kind of.... I have to wait a few days for a document in order to buy the bike I want (read entry below) and in the meantime I have an army of people trying to convince me that it would be better for me to buy a car instead of a motorcycle especially because its extremely dangerous to drive here in Brazil not to mention a bit unsafe (crime wise that is) so lets see what happens in the next week or so.