I'm tired of games that rely on a health bar. You get shot ten times but you still have a fraction of your health bar so you can act like you're in full health. Isn't it time for a lot of games to use a more realistic measure of health? A system where when you get shot in the leg you are hobbled, when you get punched in the nose your vision is blurred, a baseball bat to the arm has a chance of breaking it etc.
For some games, like Warhawk for instance, such realism would ruin the fun, but don't you think it could add a lot to other games? I'm thinking about a fighting game where depending where the blow lands can have various effects on your character, even KO on the first punch if you take a straight on blow to the face. I think it'd be much more tense playing a survival horror game where you just shot a rabid dog in the head who had your calf in it's mouth and instead of running off with a quarter of your health bar depleted, you are limping.
It's been done to some degree in some games, but I don't know if it's ever been done very well. Isn't the hardware at a point where it can simulate this level of realism?
Bushido Blade was a fighting game where you could lose in one slash if you didn't learn to block and parry correctly. One vital hit and it was game over.
MGS3 sort of dealt with the issue too by having injuries that you had to tend to.
But yeah, this is an idea that could change and improve a lot of games.
Uncharted didn't have a health bar, but injuries that you had to repair would have been nice.
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