The store I went to try and trade in my Xbox 360 wouldn't except it because: A) It was a 2007 model, and B) Even if it was a more current version I still didn't have a controler. So now I'm stuck with an Xbox 360 that overheats after 10-15 minutes of gameplay, which makes me a sad panda :(. I really don't want to wait 6-8 weeks for Microsoft to fix it and I don't have the money for system fans that I fear may not work.........but I suppose on a plus side I did get Crash Bandicoot for my Playstation (which is pretty damn good so far). So for now.......I'm screwed.
gamefreak197 Blog
Quick Review: Dragon Ball Evolution (hatred addition)
by gamefreak197 on Comments
I hate this movie! I hate this movie! I hate this movie! I hate this movie! Hate! Hate! Hate! :evil: :evil: :evil:
Everything about this movie is wrong! The characters are wrong, the story is wrong, the effects are crap, and the acting is mediocre. Percy Jackson and the Olympians follwed their source material more than this garbage. I hope to god that they don't make a sequel (like it somehow indicates in the movie). Any fan of Dragon Ball will instantly find 20 things wrong within the first ten minutes. Newcomers won't even know what the hell is going on.
20th Century Fox....all I can say is that if you do Cowboy Bebop you BETTER do right! (Though I seriously doubt it.)
Seriously considering trading it in.
by gamefreak197 on Comments
Well, the sort of good news is that my Xbox 360 still works, but the bad news is how long will it last? After four years with this system I'm seriously considering trading it in (and all five games I currently ONLY have :P ). It just isn't worth keeping a system that overheats relatively quickly, especially with games like Dead Space 2 coming out that I would want to spend many hours with. But I feel that this may be the best decision.
Besides, all of the games I currently own (with the exception of Mass Effect) can be found on the PS3, as well as many of my upcoming anticipated titles (Dead Space 2, Arkham City, etc.). Plus there are just many great games on the PS3 like God of War 3 and the Uncharted series that I have been missing out on. So I suppose it's time to trade my 360. Perhaps I can get my hands on the new redesigned model in the future (So I suppose I ought to hang on to my current selection of games then).
So unless something pops up at the last minute, this may be my last week with the Xbox 360.
Red Rings of Death?
by gamefreak197 on Comments
Today I was faced with the unfortunate dilema of my Xbox 360 having what I thought was hardware issues. When I stopped my game after a couple of hours and went back to it I was immediately greeted for the first time by the dreaded red rings. I figured that it could be a matter of overheating so I stopped for a few hours and went back to it. It actually started to work, but only for enough time for me to get my game out of the disc tray.
My friend let me borrow his spare 360 until I could see what the problem was. Upon playing the new system for ten minutes I was greeted by the rings again. That's when I realized that it's not the console's fault, but rather my power supply. So to be sure I'm going to buy a new 360 power supply to see if my predictions are correct. I'm surprised that the system lasted for four years without these issues. So until then I won't be able to use my 360 (which gives me more quality time with Metroid Prime).
Quick review: Tron: Legacy
by gamefreak197 on Comments
I finally had a chance to go see "Tron: Legacy" last night. Much to my surprise the movie was actually pretty good. The action scenes and visuals were fantastic and the acting wasn't too bad, though the story is rather cliche and the programs acted more human (the robotic personalities were part of the charm of the original). But overall this was a good sequel. If you are a fan of the original, or just want to see some good action, then go check it out.
Awesome! Top 500.
by gamefreak197 on Comments
One of my new achievements is that I am one of the Top 500 reviewers. I actually thought I wouldn't get this kind of achievement but I guess I have good enough reviews for it. What do you guys think of my reviews?
NES: It works!
by gamefreak197 on Comments
My new NES came in today and it works :D. I can now ship the broken one back. The people that sent the new console were even nice enough to include another game (Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt). The only thing that's giving me problems now is the Zapper. It functions, but it doesn't hit anything. Perhaps it's because of the TV I am using. But aside from that the system works fine and I can finally get some Nintendo games.
Dead Space 2 demo: Epicness
by gamefreak197 on Comments
This is, without a doubt, a day one purchase in my book. I am a fan of the original Dead Space and I have certainly been looking forward to the sequel for sometime. Well I went over to my friend's house yesterday and he had the demo. And let me just say that this is certainly worthy of being Game of the Year material already. Arkham City better watch its back :P. If you don't already have the demo, please download it immediately. But if you can't, try to find it on Youtube at least. The controls were silky smooth, the graphics look amazing, the atmosphere is just as horrifying, if not more (it made me jump a few times :P). The death sequences are absolutely brutal as well (one special notion goes to the church in the demo). I certainly think that this is going to top the first game indefinitely, provided of course they change the mission variety (which was the biggest issue that I had with the game).
Well, those are my thoughts on the DS2 demo. Do check it out.
$150 later.....
by gamefreak197 on Comments
Well I did my after Christmas shopping searching for new games. I was tempted to get a Wii at Gamestop, but unfortunately I wouldn't have enough for a game (and I really don't feel like using Wii Sports). So I will save up to get a Wii for another day. However I did decide to go and get a Gamecube and these titles:
.Sonic Heroes
.Resident Evil 4
.Metroid Prime
.Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
I also went out and got a few other things:
.Paper Mario (N64)
.Mario Tennis (N64)
.Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (PSP UMD)
.The original Star Wars Trilogy (VHS)
.Goldeneye (VHS)
.The original King Kong (DVD)
Well, that's my Christmas aftermath. Cheerio ;)
What I got....
by gamefreak197 on Comments
Well I myself had a pretty good Christmas. However, I did have a downside. My main gift was the NES, but when I plugged everything in it wouldn't work (which is a sack of sad pandas). So I'm going to have to return it back to the sender to see if they can fix it. But luckily I got a good amount of money, as well as a few clothes, gift cards, Anime Studio Debut 7, and "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" on DVD. And of course delicious pie awaited me later on. So despite the broken NES I had a good Christmas. I hope everyone had a great holiday as well. I'm going to do some game searching tommorow ;).
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