@wexorian Just about everything you said was wrong except that you can't kill the main boss alone. That instance is the ONLY time you need a group. Try playing the game or at least get the facts straight before you comment and make a fool of yourself.
@ivanmallia @Deathfish69165 GW2 has a great story and characters. I know what you're saying about people who don't care about the story, but they thought of that. GW2 presents instance group stories entirely in cutscenes. It puts a hold on everyone in a group instance until everyone has seen the whole story cut scene. And the way they have the death, respawn mechanic worked out within the instance. you'll never have to sit through a cutscene more than once on the same character because your whole party wiped.
@MoronGotMyName @da_post_office "I am well aware that social gamers need to feel like real gamers" Equating GW2 and MMO's with Facebook social games is utter nonsense. Your opinion is too unreasonably biased to be anything more than marginalized. At best.
@Poodger @chronocross668 Exactly, Poodger. It doesn't have endless repetitive large group raiding for gear as it's "end game," and that's all some people seem to want. Whatever. There's plenty to do once you reach level 80in GW2 because the rest of the game doesn't become trivialized as in all other MMO's. You can keep exploring the world, work on your own doing whatever you want to get resources or money to get better gear, do WvW and PvP, do dungeons with groups, do all the jumping puzzles, participate in the monthly world events, level all the crafting vocations and play the market to get rich, and the list goes on.
The whole idea of grinding the same raid over and over to get the best gear so you can (wait for it...) grind the same raid better seems like a recipe for mind numbing boredom to me. On top of that once the next expansion comes out all your work was for nothing because common drops are better than your ultra exclusive raiding gear. I've never gotten into raiding in EQ, EQ2, WoW, LoTRO, TERA or any other MMO I've played. I guess when the developers marketing the game keep telling the raiders that they're the elite players it feeds the ego of enough people to make it viable means to keep them paying.
GW2 has the best "End Game" of any MMO I've played and people without blinders on seem to agree with me.
@alenth Come on, you know everyone who played this extensively went outside the game early on to places like GameFAQ's to find strategies and builds to keep your party from wiping every 5 minutes, even if they read the whole manual. They could have helped people along a little better than the original.
@jonzilla_basic @miser_cz @Born_Lucky It's been 14 years. Things that people accepted back then can easily be seen as flaws now. Everyone complained about the party pathfinding from the beginning. I specifically remember what a pain it was to go through a forest (and there are MANY forests) because of the weird ways it split up your formation and left you vulnerable, which he mentioned. He also gave specific examples of bugs that were introduced with this version.
ggregd's comments