@TBear7130 Then some people learn objective critical thought, which is the answer to your cynical perception that money, perception and lies drive everything.
@WolfGrey @xsonicchaos I haven't seen that. I think people are just more aware of it now that it's been spotlighted. People are used to saying whatever idiotic thing they want on the Internet and not being pointed up to "official" ridicule. I have seen commentors write deliberately stupid things just to try to get their drivel featured in Feedbackula.
@painpas The effectiveness of Q/A and design technicalities are only a small part of a game review and should only be brought up if they get in the way of enjoyment. By far the most important part is the subjective opinion of whether or not the game is fun, which has nothing to do with testing. In fact I think if someone did a lot of game testing or development their reviews would be negatively impacted by over-focusing on technical things. You're much better prepared to review games coming from years of playing them for enjoyment as opposed to as your job.
@xsonicchaos OK, can this crap. We all know that comment sections here regularly flared up with screaming, misspelled, abusive hate long before Feedbackula was around. Feedbackula is a response to that, not the cause.
ggregd's comments